Sunday, April 20, 2008

30 Scrap Etc. Event Highlights

Once again - it's another list. These things were highlights of the event in Tennessee. There are in no way in order of importance. There is no way I could actually list these things in order of importance - they were all great!!!

1. Carpooling with Molly, Carol and Nubia and caravaning with Tracy and Carrie. (This included mexican food, having our picture taken as we were riding along, watching Carrie change lanes quickly to take pictures, and having some random guy take a picture of all of us at a gas station) Fun times!!! The ride back was fun too - loved getting to know Nubia and Carol better!! You girls are the BEST!

2. Wilna was such a sweetheart and so kind to us. Her husband was so sweet too and her kids are beautiful and just as sweet!!

3. Jenny Bowlin is super cute and was just as sweet this year as last year. (And her husband was hot, too)

4. Angelia was sweet too - her album was gorgeous and I can't wait to make it myself.

5. Vanessa is a doll - love her. Her sister-in-law, Amanda, was the cutest thing, too and really talented!

6. Heidi Swapp was great too of course. I mean, what can you say about Heidi?? :)

7. The Creative Cafe girls were great - even when I couldn't find their room and ended up knocking on a 75 year old half naked man's hotel door!!!

8. And last but not least in the instructor area, Gretchen was so super cool. Loved her class, love her, loved wearing my 'I HEART GRETCHEN' button. Out of all of the classes - her concept and idea behind her album is the one I loved the most and probably the one thing that I'm missing in my scrapping - it's something I haven't done or even thought about!!

9. Meeting the HAMBLY girls and chatting with them!! So fun! I met Stacey and Kerry Lynn - who I've chatted with at SIStv and done swaps with. Then Michelle was there too - I met her at the last event, but only briefly. I got to have a picture taken with all of them - fabulous!! I was really excited. Michelle even collected all my swap cards for a SIStv swap and helped us out in our group when things got a bit nuts. Those girls really were fantastic. Oh, I met Allison from Hambly too Saturday night and she was super sweet.

10. Seeing all the SE message board girls in one place!!! Melita (aka - Matilda), Linh, Kelly, Kathy, Katie, Mandy, Gabbe, DeAnna, Amy, Amy, Amy (yes, there are three) - who else?? Gosh Deborah, June and Pat - so many of the B'ham area SE girls and those that frequent the message board from other states - so fun to be in one place at one time.

11. Hanging out at Findley's with some of the SE Inspiration Team and a bunch of the event volunteers and Gretchen's mom too!!

12. Having cool room mates and a cool team to work with. I would not have survived without them - Virginia, Katie, Morgan, Tracy, Tracy, Carrie, Nubia, Carol, and Malory.

13. Meeting Morgan - super sweet - great room mate and Team B volunteer!!!

14. Meeting so many SIStv girls. I met several I've talked to on the message boards (Patricia, Jen, Tina, Julie, Erin, the Hambly SISters of course, who else........gosh - OH I met Becca and KA too, and I got to register Kelly Darr Super Star and I even called her that!! I know I'm forgetting some).

15. I met the OPELS - and that was fun!!! I was actually standing at the registration table and saw them and was a bit star struck. Me and Melita just kind of stood there waiting for our chance to meet them - we were silly!! AND I didn't even GET A PICTURE with them!! Sadness!

16. Seeing the Boobie Bungalow on our drive up was a bit funny - gave us lots of fun things to ponder during the event!!

17. Giving the instructors their charm bracelets was super fun - again - I didn't get a single picture with any of them. Well, I take that back - I think Linh got a picture of me and her and our bracelet with Heidi - but that's the only one!

18. Hanging out at the Nashville Palace with the most AWESOME scrapping girls around!!! HELLLOOOOOOO :) I really was so glad to have some girly time with everyone - Virginia and Carol were the ones I spent the most time with over the weekend I guess and they are so sweet. I really hope the weekend has created some good bonds with all of us and I hope we get the chance to continue hanging out together back home - not just scrapping either girls!!

19. Getting texts messages about Kenny Chesney - thank you Janna!! (who really WAS NOT there - it was really a look a like and Kenny was actually in Connecticut Friday night) And having girls come find me to tell me they saw the look a like!! So Fun - thanks girls!!

20. Adhesive is a wonderful thing.

21. Class kits are fantastic and I cannot wait to get a chance to work on all my kits.

22. Lucy was amazing - I canNOT even begin to imagine how she pulled it all off - there was so much to do!!! She just totally blows me away that she does it all in the most fabulous heels too!!

23. Monique - good grief, the girl has big dreams, doesn't she?

24. Alyssa and Alayna gave me hugs all weekend since I wouldn't get to see Cole and get hugs from him. Everytime I saw them I got the best hug - sometimes a double hug!! Thanks girls! (like they read my blog lol)

25. Reconnecting with TWO people I haven't seen in over ten years!! It's a little crazy that I had to go to another state to see people that I knew from Birmingham. That was great and I have the PHOTOS to prove it.

26. Wandering around the massive hotel taking photos.

27. Our room upgrade so we would have a fabulous view of the Garden.

28. Diet Dr. Pepper and Tylenol PM.

29. Blow pops.

30. Going home!!!

There are so many things that were fun this past week. I learned so much about how an event of this size actually happens!! I was shocked, amazed, tired, sleepy, grumpy, hysterical, sad, overwhelmed, happy, emotional, exhausted, restless, and physically done in. Lots of good things but it was lots of hard work. I totally wanted to go to the spa yesterday and get the works - just to rejuvinate!! We didn't get to site see any and I hated that - I really wanted to check things out in Nashville. I hope we get to go back as a family and see some cool stuff, take some tours around the city, and stay in the same hotel. It was just the coolest place.

Hopefully I'll get to post some pictures tonight - maybe 30 photos from the event?? :) Then I'll actually be one list ahead!! YEAH ME!!



Jules said...

Oooh sounds like fun!

Angelia said...

Enjoyed your list, and thank you for the sweet comment!


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