Friday, September 5, 2008

ok moving on - and quickly

So, my haircut is fine - but is haircut one word or two? hmmm

Kari Ann is fabulous - she's super sweet, doesn't mind that I've hacked at my hair a tiny bit (actually I didn't even mention THAT) and she doesn't care that I color it myself even though I KNOW she could do a much better job. Anyway - she made it all straight and pretty - BUT it's going to rain tonight I'm pretty sure - because by the time I got home my hair was getting a bit frizzy - so I gave in to the curl and rewashed it. But next week - when the humidity is at like 50% - it'll be straight again and super cute. She did lots more layers and it's different - I don't quite know what to do with it yet - straight at least. But when it's curly - it just looks great! I don't have to know what to do with it - because it just does it!! Anyway - new haircut or hair cut = happy me!! And since it's currently curly - Cole won't mind so much - he has a problem with my hair straight. He doesn't like it! Moving on......

I've been reading my Google Reader today - thanks to Virginia who convinced me without even knowing it that it's better than Bloglines. Anyway - on two different sites this Nie Nie person was mentioned and I had no clue who she was but clicked and clicked until I found her blog and her sister's blog.

So here I am whining over a stupid keychain and here this family is - suffering. There have been so many times in my life where I've gotten a wake up call. Just something I needed at the time. And you know, with all we've been through with Cole - we should SO know how important life is. How fragile it is. How it can simply end right before your eyes. How each hug is so very valuable - no matter who it comes from - a cancer child, a friends child, a friends husband - all these people could just be gone. So it's all so important. And I know that........

But, there are certainly days where other things seem important - like stepping in onions (ugh) or losing a keychain (sigh) or thinking about what your son may be right now instead of a survivor (and I don't mean that as an un-survivor, I mean it as how strong he could be, he'd be in second grade instead of first, he'd be running on a playground right now - actually no he'd be home with me because I'd probably already have a teaching job and we'd be home from school now - a school we both attend together - me as the teacher, him as the bright student who doesn't struggle with handwriting). The big picture is............

This is an eye opener - if you haven't clicked away and read the story yet - here's a brief summary that by no means offers the justice it deserves - young couple - flying with a flight instructor crash and the husband (and father of four by the way) suffers 30% burns while the wife (and did I mention the four kids) suffers 80% burns on her precious body. They are undergoing surgeries and procedures that neither ever thought about one single time in their life - at least I wouldn't imagine this would cross their minds. They are struggling. Their families are swooping in around them to protect everyone - the kids, the sibblings, the parents. WOW........

So I'm reading the sister's blog - Jane's - and I come across this post and was just blown away - then this one and then this one. That's when I stopped reading and came here to post about how stupid it is to get so bent out of shape over little things - even if they stink like green peppers and onions rotting in the sun.

So - what I'm here to say is go check on this family and pray for them. They've got lots of prayers coming their way - but hey, WE KNOW the power of prayer - so throw a few more at them, please.

And remember how special every little thing in your life is. How wonderful it is that you have a life here on this earth. Aren't we all so very lucky? Even when life stinks, even when your child struggles with the little things, even when you lose your favorite key chain (or is it keychain) and even, YES, even when your favorite saga is over (can we have a moment for Edward and Bella please) and EVEN when your scrapping budget is like, non existent!! :) See, even in the everyday - you've got to still be happy, be peaceful, enjoy life - and joke a bit. We probably did this way more when Cole was going through treatment - joke that others (without cancer kids) would have been blown away by and thought we were nutso!!

anyway - pray for them and don't think I'm TOO insane



Readings, Recipes and Rambles said...

I say it all the time how we don't realize just how lucky we truly are.

I read this blog that is having an auction for Nie Nie.......check it out...

someone else said...

good thoughts....good words... good cause...

you have a wonderful heart, baby girl

i love


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