Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Huge News in our house!

Cole starts first grade (again) Thursday so all week we've been talking about things like the first day, the new classroom, his old friends, getting up early and getting ready. He's suddenly grown - I mean he wants to brush his own hair and dress himself. I feel like he's wear he should be finally - like most kids starting first grade should be able to dress themselves, right? Well, last year - no way. He could pull on shorts or pants - but that's it - he really had a hard time with getting a shirt over his head. He's just got fine motor skills issues, and sometimes that rolls over into less than fine motor skill issues. Somethings are just hard. That's all there is to it. Well, he WANTS to do those things. When he's tired or cranky he'd rather me help him, but most of the time - he WANTS to do it.

This. Is. Huge.

I mean, so much of me wants to hold on as tightly as I can. I want the baby that needs me, ya know? But, gosh - he's doing normal things that three years ago seemed SO far away. I mean, WOW. I've been thinking about this a lot today and yesterday and I'm just a bit blown away by how independent he wants to be now - from brushing his own hair, to changing his clothes because he wants to PICK OUT SOMETHING ELSE. He's never even cared about what he wore - not really. I mean - he's a typical boy in that respect.

Anyway - just wanted to get a few things out of my head - and put them here. I'll be scrapbooking it soon - I just feel like it's a big thing to document.

Oh - Twilight readers - I saw something COOL tonight on my way to the library for Bad Art Night - and I'll post it - it was really cool!! Now, you're wondering aren't you? You'll have to come back to see!!

Double Oh - Thanks so much for all the suggestions about chores and such for Cole - I really think this is the time to jump into this with his new found independence!!

Later - L


Amy Nabors said...

that so wonderful lisa! i'm so glad he's growing in those little and big ways.

Michelle Johnson said...

That is so great! It's so hard because you want them to do these things, but when they do, you just want to keep them little forever.


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