Day one is a transparency so I put a piece of cardstock behind it so you can see it. The red behind the picture is a red treat bag (50% off after Christmas) that I used my border punch on and the journaling is done on a recipe card that I got after Christmas 75% off. I just cut off the "recipe" part at the top and used it throughout the book for journaling.

Day 2 is on the back of a Hamble transparency and I added the Bingo card to hold the journaling.

I used a place card for the journaling and cut one apart to use above and below my picture. I got a pack of 100 after Christmas, the pack was only 70 cents and then 75% off - what a bargain. I used these in several places throughout the book.
Day three is all about the THREE of us!!
Hidden journaling on this little card that I turned into a tag.


Day 4 and 5 documenting our Christmas Elf.

Day 6 and 7 is documenting our Christmas cards.
Journaling about our address labels and Christmas cards. (Thanks B)
An AccuCut envelope to hold our Christmas card.

The Christmas card.

An back of the envelope for our Christmas card.

Documenting my homemade gifts and using one of those placecards again.
This shot is terrible - the picture is of the tree with some lights in my window I added one night - they fell down the next morning.

The newest Hallmark ornaments for Cole.

A pocket for all our Christmas cards.
Whoops - I forgot to journal on this page - this is a picture of some of the Christmas books we read through the holidays.

The day we left for Disney.

One of our family shots at EPCOT.
This is another clear page with cardstock behind it - and it's from our night in Hollywood Studios. Since my page is clear - I just journaled on the picture.
This is the Santa picture for the year!! (the back of the clear page) Journaled on the picture again.

Sorry for the glare on this one - this is my favorite picture from Disney!
I didn't have any pictures from this day so I wrote about our trip.

Cole's gifts from the holiday shop at school.

The stack of presents to wrap!
A list of Christmas gifts we got and gave. The envelope above is another AccuCut goodie! The list is on a piece of paper cut out with the AccuCut, too.
Another ornament for Cole with journaling on the picture.
Another fun little envelope made with the AccuCut. I topped the envelope with a playing card. I got a deck after Christmas 75% off. There are three different patterns on the mittens - so cute! I can tuck the flap of the envelope behind the mitten.

Letters to and from Santa are tucked inside.
The back of the envelope.

Documenting the gifts once they were all wrapped!

Christmas eve collage at my Mom's house.
Christmas day collage of Cole opening presents.
This little card was a party invite - I covered the invite info with white cardstock and journaled there.

That's all!! Now I just have to go back and journal that one page I missed and it's all done. It feels so good to really finish a project on time - in a decent amount of time. I want to do this every year for Christmas now. I wish I could do this more often - are there any other occasions that will work for this? I should have done a Disney one - I thought about it, just didn't have enough time - next trip I will certainly do that.
Thanks for looking!