I've been thinking about my word for 2011. This made me think about my word for 2010. HALF-FULL didn't get very far in 2010. Sure, I still look at things at half full instead of half empty. I even took several opportunities early on in 2010 to remind different people around me at different times that the situation they looked at so negatively was really a half-full kind of thing.
But that's about as far as it went.
So, my attempt was actually half empty I guess.
It would seem as though I lacked focus with this little project. Maybe I should have spent more time trying to make more things in my life half-full. I should have kept it in sight - the whole idea of being half-full.
But I really didn't focus on it.
I read this post during lunch today. Amy really connected with her first word - and accomplished so much. She focused on what she wanted and found a way to go after it.
That's what I need to do.
Then I saw this post and actually laughed out loud (not just a lol) because Lucy doesn't even remember her word from last year. Sounds like me!!
I need to focus on new things. Focus on my word. Focus on making lasting connections. Focus on taking care of everyone around me a little better. Focus on taking care of me and my stuff, issues, whatever.
My word is going to be FOCUS!!!
I can think of a million ways it's important. Focus on the job search (start running after it again). Focus on my home and making it the best home it can be. Focus on the friendships that are important to me and nurture them - focus on making them last!! Focus on God - this should have been listed first.
I didn't really put a lot of work into figuring this out. As I was reading Amy's blog post about her first word, I was thinking - see if I just focus on my walking again, maybe I could lose more weight without doing the whole Atkins diet again. And then I began thinking about how I could have really focused on my word in 2010 and really made some changes. The common thread in all my thoughts were all about the focus. Lacking focus.
I lack.
My focus is really half empty. I know what to focus on - I just don't make it a priority. I need to do that.
My brother made me this really cool journal for Christmas. The binding is hand stitched and it's so cool. I love that he made it but I hate that we didn't have the time for him to show me how to do it myself! I would love to learn. That's something I could really focus on. I plan to use this journal to write out some of the things I need to focus on, the things I need to really work at. Maybe that will keep my on track!!
Do you pick a word?
You should!!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Honey We're Home giveway
Another chance to enter to win - here - Honey We're Home. She's giving away a Silhouette machine, which you guys know I would love love love to win!!
So glad there's another chance to win!!
So glad there's another chance to win!!
Another chance to win a Silhouette
So - here's another chance to win.
Check out this blog - Familylicious. She's giving away a Silhouette machine. Go read her info about it and enter to win!!
Here's why I would love to win:
First, the machine is just cool - there are so many things I could do with it. I'm on a budget - let's face it, so many of us are, whether we want to be or not. So, when it comes to birthdays and holidays it's hard to buy fabulous gifts and I make tons - so this would give me so many more options - glass etching and vinyl alone would be fabulous. Cole's birthday is just around the corner and he'll be TEN so that's HUGE!! So, I would love to be able to make his birthday party a little more special by using this machine for decor, tshirts, goodies - etc!! I would probably end up neglecting the laundry and dishes while I use this machine, but hey - you gotta do what you gotta do, right??
Thanks to Familylicious for the chance to win!!
Check out this blog - Familylicious. She's giving away a Silhouette machine. Go read her info about it and enter to win!!
Here's why I would love to win:
First, the machine is just cool - there are so many things I could do with it. I'm on a budget - let's face it, so many of us are, whether we want to be or not. So, when it comes to birthdays and holidays it's hard to buy fabulous gifts and I make tons - so this would give me so many more options - glass etching and vinyl alone would be fabulous. Cole's birthday is just around the corner and he'll be TEN so that's HUGE!! So, I would love to be able to make his birthday party a little more special by using this machine for decor, tshirts, goodies - etc!! I would probably end up neglecting the laundry and dishes while I use this machine, but hey - you gotta do what you gotta do, right??
Thanks to Familylicious for the chance to win!!
A fantastic giveaway you should know about
Remember to check the previous entry to see if you won one of my giveaways!!
And then read all this and enter to win this giveaway, too!! I just found this fabulous blog - Brown Paper Packages!! She's doing a Silhouette giveaway on her blog. Click on her blog title and it will take you right there!! There are a few things you have to do to enter for a chance to win. Go try - and if you win, will you share with me? :D
And then read all this and enter to win this giveaway, too!! I just found this fabulous blog - Brown Paper Packages!! She's doing a Silhouette giveaway on her blog. Click on her blog title and it will take you right there!! There are a few things you have to do to enter for a chance to win. Go try - and if you win, will you share with me? :D
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Winners Winners Winners
Are you ready? I'm picking winners!!! So, if you see your name below, please email me at lisatanner (at) charter (dot) net. List your prize as your subject. I'll get all the necessary info to you asap!!
First we have the winner for the photo session from E.Bailey Photography.
Here are your random numbers:
And number 7 is:
And number 8 is:
First we have the winner for the photo session from E.Bailey Photography.
Here are your random numbers:
7Timestamp: 2010-12-23 13:15:31 UTC
And number 7 is:
- Paige said... I subscribed to E. Bailey's photography blog..(at least I think I did) Not sure if I did it right!
- Second we have the winner of the $45 gift certificate to Signs by Andrea.
18Timestamp: 2010-12-23 13:19:23 UTC
- And number 18 is:
- HoweverAlthough said... I liked her on Facebook, too. ;) Thanks for turning me on to her site.
- Third we have the winner of the Hot Glue Gun Helpers.
13Timestamp: 2010-12-23 13:22:17 UTC
- And number 13 is:
- annachinlai said.. I entered Lucy's, Gretchen's, and Britney's giveaways.
- Fourth prize winner of the photo session with Jenney McAnnally photography is:
8Timestamp: 2010-12-23 13:24:48 UTC
And number 8 is:
- Kay said... This would be an AWESOME win!!!! Love Jenney's work! :) Merry Christmas
- So - winners, email me and I'll give you the info you need to claim your prizes, or I'll let you know what info I need from you to get your prize in the mail to you (after Christmas, of course).
- I also received something else to give away late yesterday and since the giveaways were already done, I'll pick one of the winners to receive each of these little bonus giveaways:
- Here's some info about the DVD:
- Actress, Rochelle Balin has taught yoga and been a personal trainer on and off for forty years. Having taught at fitness hotspots on both coasts, Rochelle opened her own private studio, BalinYoga in 1997, in order to implement her own process based on the breath that emphasizes maximum benefits for minimal efforts. Rochelle believes that her process can benefit everyone, so she teaches the same flexibility and aspirational empowerment to students in the juvenile detention facilities of South Central pro-bono, that she teaches to her celebrity clients, and even those confined to a wheelchair.
- And what's the deal with that Twitten? Well, it's really cute!!
- For frigid University of Pennsylvania football games in the mid-sixties, Connie Kaiserman knit her first Twitten for Steve Robinson so they could hold hands during those tense fourth downs. Several decades and professions later Connie met Jennifer Isaacson who has spent a lifetime sourcing materials all over the world and designing everything from textiles to furniture. Together they launched the Twitten line.
- The Twitten is like a giant mitten but for two hands!! You can hold hands with your sweetie (whether that's your hubby/wife or child) and both your hands stay warm!! So stinkin' cute!!
- Ok - thanks a ton for playing along!!
- And if you are a winner - email me!!
- Merry Christmas!
- lisa
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The last giveaway!!
Make sure you go back and enter all the other giveaways!!
Here's today's giveaway:
A free private photosession with Jenney McAnnally!!
Here's today's giveaway:
A free private photosession with Jenney McAnnally!!
Jenney McAnnally is a school teacher turned stay at home mom turned professional photographer. She loves being with children and capturing their true personality in a photograph. The playfulness of childhood should be enjoyed and remembered and a location shoot with JMP is the perfect way to do that. She offers prints of all sizes as well as specialty products like storyboards, proof books and sets, gallery wrapped canvases, custom Holiday cards and baby announcements. To record memories for your family call Jenney at 205-369-8424 or email her at jenneymc@gmail.com.
Leave a comment here and one lucky person will win a FREE private photosession with Jenney McAnnally Photography. {Free session must take place in the Birmingham metro area before 6/30/2011 with a limit of four subjects.}
For an extra entry, go to the JMP blog and become a follower. You can also "like" the JMP page on Facebook for another entry. Be sure to post separate comments for each entry. =)
Thanks for playing along - and comment away!! :D
I'll draw all the winners on December 23rd and then post winners ASAP!!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Today's Giveaway
Hi everyone!! I' ve picked a winner from the second giveaway!! I did the Random Number thing - but have no clue how to copy the screen and paste it here - so I just copied and pasted - and this is what we've got:
Nothing fancy - but the winner is Brandi, who emailed me her comments. Thanks for playing along!!
Now, today's giveaway is from the company Plaid. If you've been crafting for any time, you've heard of Plaid. If you watch DIY Network, you've probably seen these two:
They are from Creative Juice on the DIY Network. They are really crafty and come up with tons of fabulous projects, which they showcase on the show. These two have created a really cool product:
The Hot Glue Gun Helpers are perfect tools to help you with your hot gluing projects. The kit comes with a Craft Mat (which glue and paint will peel right off of), Finger Caps (like those things you use when flipping through tons of pages), Tweezers, a Paddle, and a Press Wand. All these tools are completely safe to use with your hot glue gun!!
I've been working on these:
The one above, I'm making for my cousin for Christmas. I gave another to a friend who just needed a pick-her-up. I gave one to Cole's teacher for Christmas. And I kept one for myself!! A few more gifts are in the works, too. Most of this project, I just used paint and Mod Podge (which I'm completely out of now - ugh). But, I wanted to personalize each one a bit and add some buttons, flowers, etc. So, in comes the hot glue gun. Now, the gun I'm using is a low-temp, super cheap glue gun - but seriously, it doesn't matter how fancy your glue gun is - it's still really hot glue when you accidentally touch the glue with your finger!! OUCH!!
I plugged in my glue gun, let it heat up and got ready to attach my fabric rosettes.
I already attached my background (which is just tissue paper that's Mod Podged into place) so I glued on my clip with 9001 High-Strength Adhesive. Since the clip is what gets used the most - I wanted a really strong bond. Then I placed my rosettes where I wanted them and hot glued them in place.
The cool thing about Hot Glue Gun Helpers is that pink mat underneath - you can lay your gun down on it and it won't stick, or melt it, or anything!! I used the little finger cap on my first finger and pressed the flowers down with that - I didn't think the glue would actually ooze through and burn me, but, I've been burned before - so I wanted to be extra careful!!
So in the end - I love love love this photo display stand. I hope my cousin likes it, too. She's a huge Bama fan (like us) and has two beautiful daughters, so I'm sure she'll have a photo to stick on here!!
So, now on to the giveaway - took me long enough, huh? This is what you need to do:
1) leave me a comment telling me what you last used your glue gun for
2) go visit all my friends blogs and leave comments on their giveaways
3) tell me what your fave giveaway has been so far (including all the giveaways you'll find below)
And don't forget to comment to win the other giveaways here and on my friends blogs!
Thanks for playing along!!
Oh, and here's mine photo display - I love it:
Saturday, December 18, 2010
A wonderful giveaway today!!
Remember, the last giveaway is still open - go here to comment. And the previous giveaway is closed, but I had some one email me instead of comment, so I've got to do a little tweaking to draw a winner so that I include their 'comments' as well!!
This giveaway is so great!! I love these signs:
I could seriously come up with one for every single room in my house!! I think my favorite is the one in the middle, with the monogram and last name. Love that idea!!
So, here's what you can win:
A $45 gift certificate to Signs by Andrea!!
Now here's what you have to do to play along:
1) go visit Signs by Andrea and browse around.
2) come back here and leave me a comment telling me what sign you would pick, and what it would say.
3) go to Facebook and LIKE Signs by Andrea and come back here and tell me you did it
That's it - super easy and quick and YOU could be the winner!!
Thanks for playing along - don't forget to check out the other giveaways:
Gretchen McElveen
Christine Ousley
Brittney Smith
Shelley Burkett
Lucy Farmer
Have a wonderful day!!
This giveaway is so great!! I love these signs:
I could seriously come up with one for every single room in my house!! I think my favorite is the one in the middle, with the monogram and last name. Love that idea!!
So, here's what you can win:
A $45 gift certificate to Signs by Andrea!!
Now here's what you have to do to play along:
1) go visit Signs by Andrea and browse around.
2) come back here and leave me a comment telling me what sign you would pick, and what it would say.
3) go to Facebook and LIKE Signs by Andrea and come back here and tell me you did it
That's it - super easy and quick and YOU could be the winner!!
Thanks for playing along - don't forget to check out the other giveaways:
Gretchen McElveen
Christine Ousley
Brittney Smith
Shelley Burkett
Lucy Farmer
Have a wonderful day!!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
12 Days Giveaway 3 - it's a good one!!
This giveaway is fabulous!! You will really want to win!!
It's a Gift Certificate for a regular session with $25 print credit ($100 value) from E. Bailey Photography. Session must take place in the Birmingham area before December 2011.
Elizabeth Bailey is a photographer who specializes in newborn, children, and family portraiture in the Birmingham, AL area. She is available for on location and studio sessions. She blends traditional and contemporary posing, by taking cues from the personality of each child. She wants each session to be fun and enjoyable for everyone involved. You will enjoy a gallery full of carefully edited images that are a reflection of your child's true personality. Elizabeth offers a variety of print options, as well as albums, storyboards, custom cards, gallery wrapped canvases, and digital collections.
You can check out her photography blog here and her website here.
Now, for entries - this is what you need to do:
1) comment here and tell me where you would want a photo session done (your favorite spot around town, in her studio, etc)
2) go to E. Bailey's Photography Facebook page and 'LIKE' it, comment here letting me know you did.
3) go to E. Bailey's Photography blog and follow - do this by browsing through the photos and then scrolling down to the very bottom on the page, comment here to let me know you did.
4) follow this blog through Google Friends, or let me know you already follow.
Thanks for playing along with my giveaways! Don't forget to check out everyone else to see what they are giving away!!
Gretchen McElveen
Christine Ousley
Brittney Smith
Shelley Burkett
Lucy Farmer
And check my previous giveaway - there's still time to enter - you have until the end of today!!
It's a Gift Certificate for a regular session with $25 print credit ($100 value) from E. Bailey Photography. Session must take place in the Birmingham area before December 2011.
Elizabeth Bailey is a photographer who specializes in newborn, children, and family portraiture in the Birmingham, AL area. She is available for on location and studio sessions. She blends traditional and contemporary posing, by taking cues from the personality of each child. She wants each session to be fun and enjoyable for everyone involved. You will enjoy a gallery full of carefully edited images that are a reflection of your child's true personality. Elizabeth offers a variety of print options, as well as albums, storyboards, custom cards, gallery wrapped canvases, and digital collections.
You can check out her photography blog here and her website here.
Now, for entries - this is what you need to do:
1) comment here and tell me where you would want a photo session done (your favorite spot around town, in her studio, etc)
2) go to E. Bailey's Photography Facebook page and 'LIKE' it, comment here letting me know you did.
3) go to E. Bailey's Photography blog and follow - do this by browsing through the photos and then scrolling down to the very bottom on the page, comment here to let me know you did.
4) follow this blog through Google Friends, or let me know you already follow.
Thanks for playing along with my giveaways! Don't forget to check out everyone else to see what they are giving away!!
Gretchen McElveen
Christine Ousley
Brittney Smith
Shelley Burkett
Lucy Farmer
And check my previous giveaway - there's still time to enter - you have until the end of today!!
Monday, December 13, 2010
My December Album - catch up part 2
December 10th - no photo, but I saved our tickets to Harry Potter and plan to journal about that!
December 11th - we did so much this day - Christmas Parade in the morning and McWane Center in the afternoon. So, I'm doing a little collage to include in the album! Okay, several collages:
December 12th - we really wanted to watch Mickey's Christmas Carol, but missed it on ABC Family. We found it on You Tube and hooked the laptop up to the TV so we could watch it.
Glad I'm keeping up with photos since I haven't touched my album yet!!
December 11th - we did so much this day - Christmas Parade in the morning and McWane Center in the afternoon. So, I'm doing a little collage to include in the album! Okay, several collages:
December 12th - we really wanted to watch Mickey's Christmas Carol, but missed it on ABC Family. We found it on You Tube and hooked the laptop up to the TV so we could watch it.
Glad I'm keeping up with photos since I haven't touched my album yet!!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
12 Days Giveaway 2
Congrats to Linh for winning the first giveaway. I'm ready to giveaway a bit more now. Remember my post about these:
Well, they are my favorite Christmas decoration (besides my trees). I love them. Would you like to love your very own? You can!! This giveaway is just for the picks - not the vase and ornaments. You'll get a mix of three different picks that you can giveaway, or display in your home!! Since this is a Christmas item, I will draw on the 15th and post the winner. You've got two days to email me and then if you are really local - I'll try to meet you, or get them in the mail to you!!
Here's what you have to do:
1) Follow my blog - you can do that over there on the right >>>>>> through Google Friends. Then leave me a comment telling me you are following me - or if you are already following, let me know that, too!
2) Leave me a comment about your favorite Christmas decoration - from now or the past.
3) Facebook about the giveaway with a link to this blog post and let me know you've done it by commenting here (you can friend me, too - if we aren't already friends - search for me "Lisa Niolon Tanner")
Now - go get busy!! And then make sure you go check out all the other blogs, too!! I've seen some great giveaways posted!!
Gretchen McElveen
Christine Ousley
Brittney Smith
Shelley Burkett
Winner Winner for Giveaway 1
I think the other girls playing along with the 12 Days of Giveaways aren't announcing winners until it's all over. Would you rather know now or wait until the 12 days are over? Hmmm............ If you are like me, you don't want to wait. So, I think I'll just go ahead and pick a winner and tell you!!
So, I have ten comments and I asked Cole to pick a number between 1 and 10. He said 11. We are working on math skills. I asked him to pick again. He picked 12. Oh, the frustration I feel with a kid that has had radiation to his little brain and doesn't really comprehend things!! So, then I said pick a number and listed 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10. He picked 2.
That means:
Linh C. said...
Red, please. I'll have to choose one of my Alabama-fan neighbors to give this to if I win. :)
Linh - email me at lisatanner at charter dot net and tell me if you want me to mail it to you, or meet you somewhere!! And sorry it's Bama and not LSU!! :D
Thanks for playing along!! Next giveaway coming later this evening.
So, I have ten comments and I asked Cole to pick a number between 1 and 10. He said 11. We are working on math skills. I asked him to pick again. He picked 12. Oh, the frustration I feel with a kid that has had radiation to his little brain and doesn't really comprehend things!! So, then I said pick a number and listed 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10. He picked 2.
That means:
Linh C. said...
Red, please. I'll have to choose one of my Alabama-fan neighbors to give this to if I win. :)
Linh - email me at lisatanner at charter dot net and tell me if you want me to mail it to you, or meet you somewhere!! And sorry it's Bama and not LSU!! :D
Thanks for playing along!! Next giveaway coming later this evening.
Friday, December 10, 2010
This one is for you Bama Fans! Giveaway 1!
Are you ready for some giveaways? I am later jumping on the giveaways with my friends, so I probably won't have 12 - but I'll do as many as I can - and hopefully you'll like what I've picked for my Favorite things!!
Okay, Bama fans - I know we didn't have a stellar end to our season - but, hey - a fan is still a fan, no matter what our final record is, right?? We have our dining room dedicated to our Alabama collectibles. We have lots of things and love them all. But, I have a few favorites - one being my glittery A on the top of my tree and my smaller A's that are snuggled into the branches on my Alabama Tree. I even have a few small glittery A's as ornaments. It's my favorite Christmas tree we have up - I just love the colors!!
So, here's what you can win today:
This A is super cute just sitting propped up against your other Alabama collectibles, or nestled into your tree, like mine. I also have one glued onto a wreath on my front door - and I love it. You can also give it to your favorite Alabama fan for Christmas.
I have it in Silver or Red - so leave a comment telling me which you would rather have, Silver or Red (that's one entry) and go down the side bar over there >>>>>>>>>> and follow me. Leave me a comment telling me you are following me, or you are already following me through Google Friends (that's the second entry). That's two entries!! Woo hoo!! and Roll Tide!
Make sure you go check out all the other blogs, too!!
Gretchen McElveen
Christine Ousley
Brittney Smith
Shelley Burkett
Okay, Bama fans - I know we didn't have a stellar end to our season - but, hey - a fan is still a fan, no matter what our final record is, right?? We have our dining room dedicated to our Alabama collectibles. We have lots of things and love them all. But, I have a few favorites - one being my glittery A on the top of my tree and my smaller A's that are snuggled into the branches on my Alabama Tree. I even have a few small glittery A's as ornaments. It's my favorite Christmas tree we have up - I just love the colors!!
So, here's what you can win today:
This A is super cute just sitting propped up against your other Alabama collectibles, or nestled into your tree, like mine. I also have one glued onto a wreath on my front door - and I love it. You can also give it to your favorite Alabama fan for Christmas.
I have it in Silver or Red - so leave a comment telling me which you would rather have, Silver or Red (that's one entry) and go down the side bar over there >>>>>>>>>> and follow me. Leave me a comment telling me you are following me, or you are already following me through Google Friends (that's the second entry). That's two entries!! Woo hoo!! and Roll Tide!
Make sure you go check out all the other blogs, too!!
Gretchen McElveen
Christine Ousley
Brittney Smith
Shelley Burkett
Next giveaway coming Sunday - and there's more glitter coming your way!! I'll announce the winner for this one on Sunday, as well!!
12 Days of Christmas Giveaways!!
Hey everyone!! A few of my friends are giving away some of their favorite things. Don't you want to win some stuff??
I'm going to giveaway a few things, too!! So - here are some things you need to do:
Follow Main Street Memories on Facebook.
Follow Price Punch on Facebook
Follow Southern Accents on Facebook
Follow me via Google Friends - you can click down there on the sidebar!!
And don't forget to check out some of my favorite friends 12 Days of Giveaways!! There's so much more!
Gretchen McElveen
Christine Ousley
Brittney Smith
Shelley Burkett
Gretchen McElveen
Christine Ousley
Brittney Smith
Shelley Burkett
I'll be back later today with a giveaway!!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
My December Album - catch up
I know all of you aren't totally interested in my day to day details for December, but posting it here will help me keep it straight!!
Now, all of my pictures are uploaded to the computer. I've made a few collages, so I can have more than one picture on a page. Sadly, though - there are no pictures of me and Jason yet in the album - but hopefully that'll happen soon!! Anyway - here's the first week or so of my album - in photos only since I haven't managed to work on the album itself at all!!
December 1st is our pile of books under one of our trees - Cole gets to pick one each night to unwrap and read!
December 2nd - photographed two of our new ornaments (the top two), one of my faves (the 'Hope' St. Jude Ornament) and then my reflection in the purple light bulb ornament just for fun.
December 3rd, Cole's elf, Jingle, went a little nuts and rolled the kitchen!! Cole freaked out a bit!
And another for December 3rd. It was too cold to go outside to take this one - so there's a bit of a glare since I snapped it through the door. These snowflakes hang from our deck and you can see them from the main road behind our house - love the skyline in the background.
December 4th - Just snapped a few of Cole hanging out by the tree. This is the Bama tree and where Cole finds all his books to open each night, on our countdown to Christmas.
December 5th we made a run through Krispy Kreme for yummy treats.
And I started the stack of things that need to be wrapped:
December 6th - Cole loves all the Christmas stuffed animals we have. He loves playing with them each year. So I asked him to sit on the couch and then I piled up all the animals all around him. He loved posing!!
But, even more - he loved kicking out of them when I was finished.
December 7th - Cole was chosen as Good Citizen for November. He was honored at a little ceremony at school and received a certificate and a ribbon. He was excited to be picked, but bummed he had to miss PE to get his award!! Crazy kid!
December 8th - didn't take a single picture. Didn't have a chance at all to think about my album. So, I'll cheat a little and use this one:
And December 9th - I'm glad I thought about taking this morning - Jingle, just chillin'
So there you have it. I can't wait to get my album together and make it look presentable!! Maybe I'll get to it this weekend???
Now, all of my pictures are uploaded to the computer. I've made a few collages, so I can have more than one picture on a page. Sadly, though - there are no pictures of me and Jason yet in the album - but hopefully that'll happen soon!! Anyway - here's the first week or so of my album - in photos only since I haven't managed to work on the album itself at all!!
December 1st is our pile of books under one of our trees - Cole gets to pick one each night to unwrap and read!
December 2nd - photographed two of our new ornaments (the top two), one of my faves (the 'Hope' St. Jude Ornament) and then my reflection in the purple light bulb ornament just for fun.
December 3rd, Cole's elf, Jingle, went a little nuts and rolled the kitchen!! Cole freaked out a bit!
And another for December 3rd. It was too cold to go outside to take this one - so there's a bit of a glare since I snapped it through the door. These snowflakes hang from our deck and you can see them from the main road behind our house - love the skyline in the background.
December 4th - Just snapped a few of Cole hanging out by the tree. This is the Bama tree and where Cole finds all his books to open each night, on our countdown to Christmas.
December 5th we made a run through Krispy Kreme for yummy treats.
And I started the stack of things that need to be wrapped:
December 6th - Cole loves all the Christmas stuffed animals we have. He loves playing with them each year. So I asked him to sit on the couch and then I piled up all the animals all around him. He loved posing!!
But, even more - he loved kicking out of them when I was finished.
December 7th - Cole was chosen as Good Citizen for November. He was honored at a little ceremony at school and received a certificate and a ribbon. He was excited to be picked, but bummed he had to miss PE to get his award!! Crazy kid!
December 8th - didn't take a single picture. Didn't have a chance at all to think about my album. So, I'll cheat a little and use this one:
And December 9th - I'm glad I thought about taking this morning - Jingle, just chillin'
So there you have it. I can't wait to get my album together and make it look presentable!! Maybe I'll get to it this weekend???
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
The Front Door!
Finally finished up our front porch for Christmas. Last Christmas, my mom and I saw really cool giant presents at Disney. They were just plywood boxes decorated as presents. So, this year, my dad had some boxes made for us. They got painted and then 'bowed' and stacked and here you have it:
I would really like a big bow on that bottom box, but it was so so so so sooooooooooooooo cold today, I gave up on it!! Too cold to be outside for very long! I think I got brain freeze from just being outside a short time!
I'm linking up to CSI Project!!
I would really like a big bow on that bottom box, but it was so so so so sooooooooooooooo cold today, I gave up on it!! Too cold to be outside for very long! I think I got brain freeze from just being outside a short time!
I'm linking up to CSI Project!!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Baby you're a STAR Volumn 2
Hi out there in cyber world. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. We're just here. We've been really busy lately, it seems. I'm actually feeling pretty bad today - I was okay to begin with, but after noon I started to feel really tired and had a headache. Now, I'm just sort of blah with a low grade fever. Hopefully, it's just that I'm tired and not coming down with the flu. That would be terrible.
My uncle is in the hospital and very sick. He's been undergoing treatment for lung cancer, but now has kidney failure. Dialysis is too hard on him, so there isn't really anything else they can do for him. We're just hanging out at the hospital a lot and praying. Well, I'm not hanging out now since I feel blah. No need to take extra germs there.
I haven't had much time on the computer this week to just browse around and look at pretty stuff, but I did manage to STAR a few things.
This first item came from UCreate and the original link can be found HERE. This is really a cute idea, but the real reason I gave it a star was for the directions on how to make the little bow - super cute and easy!!
Have you seen these powdered donut snowmen? They are so cute!! I would love to make some but am not sure I'll get around to them.
And then my favorite star of the week came from UCreate. I feel as though must of my stars come from UCreate or Tatertots and Jello. Anyway, this one came from a feature on UCreate showing Shanty 2 Chic's fun little gift idea:
I absolutely love this. I've already purchased the wood and Jason's cut it into 11 inch pieces for me. I'm hoping to get the other pieces Monday so I can get to work. This will take care of a few people on my Christmas list!!
This star is super cute and I would love to make some! This comes from a feature of Today's Creative Blog and it's a cupcake in a jar. A CUPCAKE - IN A JAR!!! Love this idea almost more than the pie in a jar, which is pretty cute, too!
If you are a paper crafter, you've probably been to this blog, too - Heidi Swapp. Well, I saw these and wish I had the time to make them, too:
Okay - I think that's enough STARS for today, especially since I feel rather crappy right now.
Off to rest a bit!
My uncle is in the hospital and very sick. He's been undergoing treatment for lung cancer, but now has kidney failure. Dialysis is too hard on him, so there isn't really anything else they can do for him. We're just hanging out at the hospital a lot and praying. Well, I'm not hanging out now since I feel blah. No need to take extra germs there.
I haven't had much time on the computer this week to just browse around and look at pretty stuff, but I did manage to STAR a few things.
This first item came from UCreate and the original link can be found HERE. This is really a cute idea, but the real reason I gave it a star was for the directions on how to make the little bow - super cute and easy!!
Have you seen these powdered donut snowmen? They are so cute!! I would love to make some but am not sure I'll get around to them.
And then my favorite star of the week came from UCreate. I feel as though must of my stars come from UCreate or Tatertots and Jello. Anyway, this one came from a feature on UCreate showing Shanty 2 Chic's fun little gift idea:
I absolutely love this. I've already purchased the wood and Jason's cut it into 11 inch pieces for me. I'm hoping to get the other pieces Monday so I can get to work. This will take care of a few people on my Christmas list!!
This star is super cute and I would love to make some! This comes from a feature of Today's Creative Blog and it's a cupcake in a jar. A CUPCAKE - IN A JAR!!! Love this idea almost more than the pie in a jar, which is pretty cute, too!
If you are a paper crafter, you've probably been to this blog, too - Heidi Swapp. Well, I saw these and wish I had the time to make them, too:
Okay - I think that's enough STARS for today, especially since I feel rather crappy right now.
Off to rest a bit!
Friday, December 3, 2010
My December Album
I made this album last year and never managed to take the first picture specifically for this album. So, this year - I'm on it. I will have an album by the end of the month that documents our 25 days leading up to the big finale on Christmas Day!!
Here's the cover:
I'll come back and show each page when it's complete but here's a rundown of what I've photographed so far:
December 1st - the wrapped books under the Bama Tree. We're unwrapping a book every night and reading it before bed. They are all Christmas or winter themed. It's been a fun way to countdown so far. Cole enjoys it, but knows that he's bound to get to a few books he 'isn't a fan of'!! We'll see how that goes.
December 2nd I took several pictures of our new ornaments (from our Disney trip in October) and a few of my very favorite ornaments, too.
December 3rd, I plan to take a picture when it's dark of our snowflakes that are hanging on the deck. You can see them from the main road behind our house and some of our friends have commented on how great they look from the road - I love seeing them as I turn on the road - twinkling through the trees!!
I haven't taken any pictures of US yet for our album, but we'll have time - I really want to include how we decorate so I'm thinking about many little collages for a few days - just to highlight our favorite things around the house!!
Thanks for looking. How do you document your December?
Here's the cover:
I'll come back and show each page when it's complete but here's a rundown of what I've photographed so far:
December 1st - the wrapped books under the Bama Tree. We're unwrapping a book every night and reading it before bed. They are all Christmas or winter themed. It's been a fun way to countdown so far. Cole enjoys it, but knows that he's bound to get to a few books he 'isn't a fan of'!! We'll see how that goes.
December 2nd I took several pictures of our new ornaments (from our Disney trip in October) and a few of my very favorite ornaments, too.
December 3rd, I plan to take a picture when it's dark of our snowflakes that are hanging on the deck. You can see them from the main road behind our house and some of our friends have commented on how great they look from the road - I love seeing them as I turn on the road - twinkling through the trees!!
I haven't taken any pictures of US yet for our album, but we'll have time - I really want to include how we decorate so I'm thinking about many little collages for a few days - just to highlight our favorite things around the house!!
Thanks for looking. How do you document your December?
Monday, November 29, 2010
My ruffle trees
Remember my post about making ruffle trees? Well, I said I would post mine, but haven't done it yet - so here ya go:
These are in the living room - on our end table. One is out of burlap, with spools for the tree trunk and the other is brown knit with a candle stick tree trunk! The bottom one is just the green oxford with another spool trunk - this one still has thread on it - all the spools were my Granny's!
This one is in my bathroom, on a cake stand that I've been using to display stuff. It's brown knit and green oxford (from a shirt Jason was tossing out).
The little silver tree in the middle is from Walgreens - it was 99 cents!! Score!
Alright - that's all I've got today. I'm about to head to the store and then off to sit in pick up line at school - in the rain!! Boo rain!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
FInally picked a Christmas Card

Starlight Snowflakes Christmas Card
Shop Shutterfly for elegant custom Christmas photo cards.
View the entire collection of cards.
Baby you're a STAR
I thought it would be fun to share the things I gave a gold star to this past week. Gold star? Y'all must think I'm crazy. But, if you have Google Reader set up with all your favorite blogs, you understand. You can 'star' something you like, Google Reader keeps them all together and you can quickly go through what you liked and revisit the idea! I thought it would be fun to start sharing the things I found star worthy. I'll post the link to the original post and then share my favorite image!
So, here's what I 'starred' this past week or so. First, we have Vintage Rudolph, which was posted on Hostess with the Mostess. I love the bright green and red here. I tend to be a little bi-polar when it comes to decorating - I love soft muted colors, but at Christmas I love bold and bright stuff!! I love the corker bow napkin ring here and think it would be super cute to make into an ornament - a whole ball of curly grosgrain! There are a million other things I liked for that post though - go check it out and pick your favorite!
Next up, I have a Tatertots and Jello post and you may seem that blog here more and more - I love the things she shares!! This post is titled Pier 1 Decorating. And this is too stinkin' cute:
I really love the silver mixed with the red here - the red is a super bright burst of color mixed in with the white and silver!
And I really want to make this cute Pom Pom Scarf. It's really cute and brought to you by UCreate, although the original post is from here - Life through the Lens.
Remember the post about the ruffle trees - oh wait, I never shared mine - well, here some of the inspiration. Shanty2Chic made adorable ruffle trees. I love them! The ruffle tree is adorable but the little rosette tree is adorable, too!
Here's another adorable idea from The Inspired Room, How to Make a Jingle Bell Jar. I'm going to be making these soon - I promise!
Here's another from Tatertots and Jello. I love this wreath so very much!
The great thing about Tatertots and Jello is she does link parties - I love that. I just got lost in her links and end up with tons of ideas!!
And here's something I want to try to make myself - and soon! This was shared at JBS Inspiration Blog.
I'll be back next Saturday with more fun stuff!
So, here's what I 'starred' this past week or so. First, we have Vintage Rudolph, which was posted on Hostess with the Mostess. I love the bright green and red here. I tend to be a little bi-polar when it comes to decorating - I love soft muted colors, but at Christmas I love bold and bright stuff!! I love the corker bow napkin ring here and think it would be super cute to make into an ornament - a whole ball of curly grosgrain! There are a million other things I liked for that post though - go check it out and pick your favorite!
Next up, I have a Tatertots and Jello post and you may seem that blog here more and more - I love the things she shares!! This post is titled Pier 1 Decorating. And this is too stinkin' cute:
I really love the silver mixed with the red here - the red is a super bright burst of color mixed in with the white and silver!
And I really want to make this cute Pom Pom Scarf. It's really cute and brought to you by UCreate, although the original post is from here - Life through the Lens.
Remember the post about the ruffle trees - oh wait, I never shared mine - well, here some of the inspiration. Shanty2Chic made adorable ruffle trees. I love them! The ruffle tree is adorable but the little rosette tree is adorable, too!
Here's another adorable idea from The Inspired Room, How to Make a Jingle Bell Jar. I'm going to be making these soon - I promise!
Here's another from Tatertots and Jello. I love this wreath so very much!
The great thing about Tatertots and Jello is she does link parties - I love that. I just got lost in her links and end up with tons of ideas!!
And here's something I want to try to make myself - and soon! This was shared at JBS Inspiration Blog.
I'll be back next Saturday with more fun stuff!
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