Just got back from Publix and got some fantastic bargains!
All the stuff in the picture below was just $18.40. Well, sort of - see I picked up the wrong size cereal and have to go back and swap for the right size - didn't even notice until I got home and checked my receipt. So to be accurate - this picture below cost me $30.44 which is still a great deal - but after I go back and return and swap my cereal - it'll be back to $18.40.

That's 4 bottles of laundry detergent, 6 bags of Chex Mix, 3 boxes of Cookie Crisp, 4 boxes of Reece's Puffs, and 4 boxes of Toaster Strudel, two 2 boxes of Old El Paso dinner kits, 4 tubs of cream cheese (i have some yummy recipes to use these in), 2 packs of Wisps (4 in each pack), and 2 pair of nail clippers. Major score!!
The good thing is when you save that much, it makes it okay that you don't have coupons for your kids favorite cookies and muffins. The cookies and muffins were also on sale though - so I'm excited! I got lots of other things not pictures - spent $67.72 and saved $85.16! and don't forget - I over spent on cereal, so I'll get about $12 back when I head back out. So $55 for over $150 worth of groceries.
Oh and another bonus - Publix has a bunch of things 10 for $10 - so basically $1 each. Pepperidge Farm Goldfish for $1, regular $2.19 I think. Great deal. And brownie mix for $1 - who doesn't need some brownie mix on hand? There were several other things, but that's all I got out of the dollar deals!
Now I think I'll be spending a good chunk of the day rearranging kitchen cabinets to make room for all this stuff!!
And good news - I will be doing a fun class at the Ronald McDonald House in October. I'm excited to go pick out some supplies and put together a cute little album for the moms to make. This will have a Fall/Halloween theme. I hope it's successful just because I want to give back - I know how much I got out of the time I spent scrapbooking at Target house when we were in Memphis - so I hope spending some time with the moms and sharing our story and support for each other, while making something fun, will be successful!
Okay - gotta run. I need to go get my nails done and swap some cereal!