Saturday, May 22, 2010

The teacher gift was a hit and a little home decor!

I really love when I make something from the heart and someone else loves it!! Sometimes it just doesn't happen. We've had teachers in the past that just didn't care for the homemade stuff - which was a bummer since that's what I like to do. So, all in all, it was a success!! I did go back and add the teacher's name in vinyl along with some polka dots. Polka dots are always good, right?

My next project is with a chip clip rack. I mentioned that I really wanted one of those chip clip stands - the red ones that sit on the counter in a convenience store with chips hanging on them. I just said I'd love to have one to use - either for pictures, or crafty things, etc - I'd find a use.

My dad goes online and finds one - bids on ebay and wins. It shows up at his house and it's not the same one he bid on - at all. The original one was red, with three rows of clips and a stand, so you could set it on a counter, dresser, whatever. This one has four rows and hangs. This one is better!! I had already picked a spot for the one with the base and had planned on rearranging a little in my kitchen. NOW, this new one fits in with other plans I had and just couldn't work out. I've been looking for a way to display Cole's art work he brings home from school and the stuff he does at home. I've seen many great ideas and just haven't had the space for them, or the money to buy what it takes to create it. I also wanted a place to hang some of my aprons in the kitchen - just a hook on the wall, or something. I only have one place they can hang but I only have three or four aprons, so the space needed something else there as well.

So, in comes the chip clip rack. Now, I can hang it on the wall, attach my aprons on one end and hang Cole's art work from it, along with anything else cute I see. I'm so excited about it.

The problem is I need something to hang it from - I'm hoping to find a curtain rod today that can be cut down to the right size - the rack is 18 inches wide and the space I want it in is about 24 inches wide. Most curtain rods are 28 inches and that's too wide! So, we'll see how the hunt goes. I hope to have it up and cut by next weekend!!


1 comment:

  1. now I want a "chip clip rack" and i dont even know what they are :)


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