Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I love Cole's room!

I really love Cole's room!!  It's just too cute.  We've been in this house a little over a year and he doesn't want to change it yet - that's always a good sign!!  Here's a reminder:

The clouds were painted with plain old white craft paint - I think I got it from Walmart.  I also bought some of that plastic you can make a stencil out of and some sponge brushes - the round kind that work well with stencils.  I used an adhesive spray on the back and just stuck it up on the wall and painted away.  I tired to make a decent pattern just by eye - and didn't do too bad at all, if I do say so myself.

His room has really never been this clean since then.  He's now got a red rug in the floor and I moved his toy chest to the end of his bed.  And of course, there are now Buzz Lightyear's and Woody's all over the place! 

Next on the list for his room is this super cute banner my friend, Virginia, made:

 It's so cute and perfect for Cole's cowboy room!!

Do you know about this?  I can't wait to see what everyone else paints!

Thanks for reading!!


  1. What a fun room. I love the paint you used on the walls. And the clouds are wonderful.

    That banner will be cute in there too!

    Thanks so much for linking up to the CSI Project! We really appreciate it. I hope you will come back next week for our Hardware Store challenge!



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