Saturday, October 30, 2010

I'm the featured artist!

Remember this:

Well, I'm the featured artist today on their blog - you can see it here!  I'm so excited! Can't wait!!


Friday, October 29, 2010

I know it's not Christmas yet, but..............

I'm already thinking about Christmas decorations and projects and cards.  I love to do photo cards for Christmas.  I love that everyone gets to see a snapshot of our life and I love getting the same things from others!  So, I've started looking around and trying to decide what cards I want to order.  Of course, THIS is the first place I looked:  Shutterfly

When I first went to the site, I realized I could have done some really cute Halloween cards! I'm putting this on my list for next year! Anyway, back to the Christmas cards!  I can't decide between these:

It's too hard to pick just one - especially when you keep looking and see this one:

I just can't decide!

The good thing is Shutterfly is offering 20% off all holiday cards!! So that makes picking a little easier....

Until you see these:

I didn't know they did gift tags! Oh so cute!

Then, I saw these:

Address labels that match my gift tags??? Who knew that was even an option??

And after the holidays, I can use these:

Did you know they even have Thank You's to use after the holidays??

Now I'm thinking I see a trend in what I've really liked at Shutterfly?  Did you notice, too?

Maybe the winning card will be this one:

So so cute!! Can't wait to mail them off!! It's still too early, right?? I love Christmas!!


*a little disclaimer, I'm participating in the Shutterfly's 50 Free Holiday Card Promotion.  These opinions are all mine though - I love Shutterfly and have ordered cards from them in the past and can't wait to get them again this year - and they NEVER disappoint me!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Doing some crafting and avoiding housework.

So, I have a booth in the By Hand Boutique.  I posted about that here.  I have big plans, too.  I've come up with a dozen different ideas of things to make and offer in my booth.  But in reality, I probably won't get even half of the dozen done.  That's a bummer.  But, I'm a procrastinator, so this is how I roll.  And I'm okay with that.  I work best under pressure!!

Here's the first thing I planned to sale:

This one is a little bigger than the ones I'll have in my booth, but they are still pretty big.  I'll also have this one:

It's great for putting on top of a Christmas tree, if you are an obsessed Bama fan, like we are!!  We actually have a whole Bama tree.  You can also attach it to a wreath for your front door, or just prop it up somewhere in your house.  I've done all of the above with mine!!  
And then, I'll have these, too.  "Our countdown to Christmas" is made to hang up anywhere you want, and comes with a matching clothes pin to mark how many days are left. 

Not sure how many of my other projects will get finished, but I'm hoping for a few more!!  I have some Christmas ornaments, too - some handpainted, some glitterey goodness like the A's above!! I can't wait!


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Do you know about the By Hand Boutique?

I'm so excited!! For a few years now, my friend Virginia has been involved in this and has always tried to talk me into doing it.  This year, I'm all in!!  You should be all in, too.  If you live in the area, it's worth the trip.  If you don't, well, it's still worth the trip!  You should come check it out.

Here's the details:

So, go and follow their blog.  Become their fan on Facebook.  And then mapquest how to get there and come see me!! 

I'll be back later this weekend with photos of what I'll be offering in my booth! 

Disney World

Wow, I'm not a good blogger at all.  I've had the hardest time making this a priority.  But, I'm trying to do better - so here's hoping I won't go a month again without blogging.  

We just got back from a trip to Disney.  It was wonderfull!!  Of course, I'm not sure how anyone could go to Disney without have a wonderful time.  We left super early last Thursday and made it there by late afternoon.  We unloaded and settled in. We decided to head to Epcot that evening for a little while.  We did Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios, too.  We skipped Animal Kingdom this time so we could go to Universal Studios.  

We did all our favorites, tried some new places to eat, rode our favorite rides and Cole tried a few new things, too! He rode the Haunted Mansion with us (hated it), Mission Space with his dad, and a ton of things at Universal! I think the best part for me was watching the Block Party Bash and seeing Cole dance in the street with Mr. Potato Head!!  We also watched the Move It, Shake It, Celebrate It street party.  Cole did some dancing again with Jessie from Toy Story.  It was wonderful to see him more outgoing and willing to take part in things that he used to just stand back and watch. 

And we got to see Lotso Huggin' Bear from Toy Story 3.  Cole was super excited to see him.  I'm not sure he was excited to see us though.  Jason joked around with him and told him he didn't want to be in the picture with a bad guy.  Lotso took Jason by the arm and walked him over to the corner!  Lotso put Jason in time out!!

We also saw these guys - we've never seen them before, so that was a nice surprise!

While at Epcot, we got to see this guy - the new character, Duffy, the Disney Bear:

I have tons of pictures, of course, and really you don't want to see them all - but here are two of my faves:

This is my favorite castle shot, I think.  It actually matches the painting of the castle my aunt did!

And he's just so cute!!
I'll be back with more once I get them all uploaded and find the good ones!!
And I've got pictures from Hogwarts and let me tell you - the whole
Wizarding World of Harry Potter

ok - off to unpack more!