Friday, August 27, 2010

Playing Catch Up

I've had a busy few weeks and haven't even thought about coming here to blog!  Not that anyone is checking it everyday to see what new and exciting thing is going on in my life!!  :D 

Here's a few things I've been working on:

I'm planning on hanging this up in our window at Port Orleans French Quarter - which is where we'll be in 47 days. 

Did this for a challenge during an online crop at the Noel Mignon website.  Just a look at me at 19 and now. 

I've got a few other layouts done but haven't photographed them yet.

Here's a rundown of our last few weeks - We just got back from Cole's latest check up at St. Jude.  All was well.  Cole's MRI was clear, he's been growing right along schedule.  So, all good.  School started a few weeks ago and we've been adjusting to the new schedule.  We need some more tweaking to get it just right.  Third grade is tough - more work, harder work!!  Cole needs to go to bed a bit earlier and we need to work on homework a little harder - especially those spelling words!!  I've subbed in his room twice (the last two days) and I'm still working for the eye doctor.  It's great that he'll work with me and let me off to sub sometimes.  Still applying for teaching jobs, still not getting any interviews, still depressed a little about that.  I know, I know - all in His time.  There's a room out there just for me - I've heard it all.  I'm just tired of waiting!! I really would like to have a full time teaching job, doing what I love and having a steady income!! 

One day!!

Ok - gotta run - off to get ready to meet my mom and walk at the track.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Doing a little creating lately

This week there is a fun crop going on at Noel Mignon.  I've been playing along with some challenges.  Wanna see what I made?

This challenge was just to scrapbook something about yourself - kind of an All About Me sort of thing.  So, here it is:

I wanted to document my peppiness tendencies.  I love preppy things, but rarely pull off the total preppy package!

This challenge was to document our summer and use at least 6 pictures.  I printed out pictures from our trip to the beach!

And then this was a challenge to make your own flowers - I did three different flowers made three different ways - one I got from the fabulous Virginia Tillery.  She made flowers from masking tape so I gave it a try.  The other two are just made from shapes I cut out - leaves using me Slice and the circles using my punches.

This challenge was all about color - the colors that were suggested were muted greens, oranges, creams, yellow - no yellow here, but creams, greens, oranges and a dull black.  I made the one above and the one below to hang in our window when we go to Disney in October.

Lots of Mickey heads there and a few more flowers.  The top one I made from punching four Mickey heads out of paper and layering them so the ears looked like petals.

And lastly - this was a sketch challenge.  I printed out the pictures I took this morning of Cole.  Today was the first day of school!!

I've had a great time creating again.  It's been a while.  It was fun to just dig through supplies and pull things together.  I'm cleaning out and getting ready for a yard sale at The Scrapbook Princess so it's a bit easier to find things now!

Thanks for looking -

Sunday, August 1, 2010

How about a little Pay It Forward?

I did this a long time ago on my blog - I mean two years probably.  And I can't even remember where it started - but I know I commented on someone's blog and then posted it here - so I'm doing it again!

Here's how you play along.  The first three people to comment will get something handmade by me.  I've got 365 days to complete the item and mail it.  You (if you are the first three) must post this on your blog, or Facebook, and do the same thing!!

So, leave me a comment and I'll make you something!!  Then go do the same!


I'm a little giddy!!

So, if you've read my blog for a while (or at least two months) you've seen me link up to the CSI Project several times.  This past week I posted my pendants I've been making out of eye glass lenses.  AND - are you ready for this - I was Beckie's Pick!!  Look:

I was so excited!!  So, if you missed the project, back up a post and you'll find it.  Sorry, I'm too giddy to link it up!!  :D
