Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I'm such a slacker!

Facebook has stolen my blog's thunder. I feel like I have nothing to blog about because I say it all on Facebook. Darn you Facebook.

Anyway - let see if I can catch up a bit and do better in the new year.

Last post I showed my painting I was almost finished with for my cousin for Christmas. I also posted a few Disney pics. So, I haven't even gone through the other Disney pictures yet. I barely even took any Christmas pictures. Good grief, what kind of scrapbooker am I? I have just about finished the extra touches in my December Daily album, but sadly, didn't make it a priority to take pictures each day. I'm going to try to make it an album titled "25 moments from Christmas" instead of "258 days of Christmas". Not sure if I can fix the title though - I'd hate to mess up the lovely Thickers I used for my title. I did much better last year - which is a bit crazy because last year, I did my book in October and this year, I started even earlier - like August. So apparently, procrastination is the way to go. Way until later in the year and it'll work out a bit better.

So here's a Christmas recap - without photos, since I haven't had a chance to actually look at them yet!! The Tuesday before Christmas my brother came in from Chicago. We hung out with him a bit Tuesday night. Wednesday, I had to work and then we did dinner at my mom's and had Christmas with my parents and brother. Cole got a giant load of toys. His favorite - the Toy Story Pop Open Playset. He got some 3D puzzles and Legos and books and games. Fun Stuff!! My favorite of his toys was the Pirates of the Carribean camera - it's so cute. You can take pictures with Disney Characters!! So cute. I need to get the software loaded and upload the few pics we've taken on it and show Cole. So fun!! My favorite gift was the Alice in Wonderland book I got. I've been trying to work on reading the older classics - not Pride and Prejudice, but things like the Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Mary Poppins, Alice in Wonderland - the younger classics, I guess you could say. I also got a book in the House of Night series. So, as soon as I finish re-reading Eclipse (for the 16th time) I'll have to flip a coin to see what's next - the House of Night or Alice. Hmmmm............

Christmas Eve I spent the morning cooking and making stuff and wrapping presents!! We had Christmas with my mom's family that evening. It's funny - Christmas Eve used to be crazy there. The kids were all younger and the floor would be littered with so much wrapping paper, you weren't sure if there was hardwood or carpet underneath. They went thorugh everything so quickly, too - you really didn't see them open anything!! Now most of those kids are teens (or really close to being a teen) and just want to text and chat with each other instead of playing with toys!! Next Christmas will be another story. Right now, the youngest kids are 5 months, 2 years and then Cole - who is 8. Next Christmas, there will be a 9 year old (Cole), a 3 year old, a 1 year old and then four NEW BABIES!!! Don't ask me what's going around in our family - just know that I'm staying away from it. I have four cousins that are pregnant right now - and so far - three of the four are having girls. The fourth we just don't know about yet - it's too early to tell. The oldest of the great grandkids is having a girl in April. It's so hard to believe all these little kids are growing up and having kids of their own!! Makes me feel old!!

Jason's family has a bunch of girls, too - his aunt had another girl in July (that's 5 for her) and now our sister-in-law is also having a girl. Lots of pink in the future. I need to get to work on fun cute pink crafty things.

Back to Christmas - Christmas day, my parents and brother came over to see Cole open his stuff from Santa. We had a good breakfast (if I do say so myself) and he opened presents and started playing right away. My brother and Jason started playing Star Wars the Clone Wars with Light Sabers and all - it was entertaining to say the least. We had lunch at my mom's and then headed to Mobile for Christmas. We played Dirty Santa that night and had fun stealing gifts and laughing and the funny ones. I took a painted canvas of an Alabama A and a board game. We got a Rubics Cube (which Cole loves) and a Gopher - you know, one of those grabber things!! There were also tins of cookies, Sea Monkey's and Aqua Globes. Dirty Santa can be so much fun!! We enjoyed it.

We came back home Sunday and got right back into the swing of things - you know, work, laundry - the fun stuff. I'm still catching up on laundry and haven't even begun to clean up with Christmas mess. The tree will probably come down Saturday - I just don't see getting to it any earlier!! I have one more Christmas tomorrow, too - dinner with the girlfriends and another Dirty Santa. We're all bringing gifts to swap - gifts we got and didn't like, or already had - how fun is that? I'm actually taking a gift I didn't finish in time to give away, but will finish it before tomorrow - I hope!!! :D

Okay, I'm not actually accomplishing anything on my list sitting here blogging - so I'm out of here!! Off to find more distractions!!


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

It's really almost Christmas, isn't it?

Goodness - the time has really flown by. I caught myself saying to a customer today that our registers were as slow as Christmas, but stopped because Christmas is not slow this year. I mean, it's right around the corner and I'm NOT READY!!! Still much to do!! I did just finish 6 necklaces for the cousins last night and this is finished - just about:

a close up:

And the reason why I'm so far behind on Christmas is that we spend some time here:

Disney was amazing, as always. We had a great time and I think I'm just now over it - just now caught up on sleep and laundry! Shew! Vacation is a lot of work!

Well, I'm going to work on some Christmas stuff - teacher's gift MUST be completed tonight - she gets it tomorrow after all!! And then I may have to run to Walmart!!

Hope your Christmas has been Merry so far!


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Wow, it's December!

I'm really not quite ready for December to be here, but WOW, it is. I haven't accomplished all I wanted to have done by December 1st, but if I'm thinking correctly, I've probably been in the same boat most Decembers. I like to take on too much - aim high, you know!! :D

Anyway, it's December!! So, today I need to accomplish a few things - scratch a few things off my list and take a picture for my December Daily album! That's a MUST!!! So, I'm out of here - off to tackle my list. We're heading to a very Magical place in a few days and there's lots to do!!


Monday, November 16, 2009

So, here's how that cleanning thing ended up....

I was doing good until Wednesday. The plan was to clean each day, but Wednesday I got a little carried away and did a bunch of stuff, so Wednesday and Thursday ended up being the days I did nothing!! And well, Friday, I didn't really accomplish much either.

Saturday was a catch up day but I didn't take pictures - I just worked and worked and got things cleaned up and put away and then we got pretty much the whole house decorated for Christmas. The tree is up, waiting for ornaments, which will happen tonight. Tons of other things are out and on display!! So, it wasn't a total loss. I just have no documentation to prove it to you!!

This week is super busy!! I'm having a little girlfriend lunch tomorrow, working the next two days and going to the movies Friday. In the meantime, I need to get the guest room tackled and under control - we're having company so the laundry really can't be on the bed!! There will be no where for them to sleep!!

So, the cleaning will continue and I'll try to take pics this time!! Tonight is Cub Scouts and tree trimming, so tomorrow night, I'll tackle the laundry and scrap supplies that are ALL.OVER.THE.PLACE!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Blog-along update

Okay - I didn't do anything Wednesday or Thursday and probably won't today. I'm the slacker in the bunch!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day two - done and done!!!

Okay, so I planned to get all the Halloween decor taken down today and put away. The only problem is two of my storage containers are in the garage near the last evidence we have of the mouse that's camped out in our house!! So, needless to say, I couldn't open them. I mean, you get that, right? :D And the other containers were in the shed in the backyard, and well, it rained today, just a bit - so couldn't go down there either. Not that I would have even if it hadn't been raining, honestly.

So, I tackled as much of the Halloween decor as I could without those boxes and then moved on. I was extremely brave and decided to clean up the kitchen. It's been neglected since the mouse siting, because, well, I saw a mouse!! So that should pretty much cover that!! Here's the before:

and yes, that's the dishwasher pulled out from the cabinet so we can check on the dang mouse!! Here's the after:

Much better - and just so you know - if you open the dishwasher and pull out the bottom rack while it's out from under the cabinet, you will almost break your foot. Just thought you'd want to know!! Oh and the glasses still sitting on the counter, have to stay - I can't reach the cabinet because of the dang dishwasher!!

This is our bar area - between the kitchen and the den. This is the catch-all in our house. Jason puts his phone, keys, wallet, sunglasses, etc here when he gets home. Cole unpacks his backpack here. He does his homework here, too. Once in a while, we eat a meal there. I scrapbook there, or paint, or whatever!! So this is it's current state:

And here it is after. Not perfect - but better. I can't put that case of Diet Dr Pepper on the floor, in case the mouse is thirsty - so it stays right there - and hey, the box is white with crimson - matches the whole Bama thing!!

So after the kitchen, I moved on to the bathroom and I took no pictures - sorry, you'll just have to believe me. Actually, I still have to empty the garbage in there, and do the floors - but the rest is clean. We are all sharing this bathroom right now due to some plumbing issues in the master bath (which is really just Jason's bath because me and Cole share the bigger bathroom). So we're all in there together. Stuff everywhere. Glasses, contacts, rubber ducks, hair spray, hair dryer, flat iron, and I could really go on and on about what all is there right now. Well, what was there - it's all neat and clean now. Carol can vouch for me tomorrow when she comes over!! :D

So, here's the real mess. I mean, the kitchen and bathroom were messy but THIS takes the cake:

He looks so proud of his mess!

And here it is just a few minutes later - really!! It didn't take long at all. I usually clean Cole's room on the weekend, but you know, I saw a mouse!!

And well, I just realized I didn't come back and post the pictures from yesterday - so here it is - the before:

I think, when we moved it, I just unpacked three or four boxes and stuck it all in here! For No Apparent Reason!!! And the after:

I realize the after isn't MUCH better, but it's a start. There are things in here I just need to find another home for. Like the notebooks and folders that I bought for half a cent after school started. And the scrapbook magazines and books that don't belong there, either. And all the office supplies need to go to THE OFFICE!!! And yes, that is an upside down Lego Spongebob, without his legs - on the top shelf!!

Alright - all caught up. Now, who knows what I'll tackle tomorrow!! I have to work and then have a play date - so the cleaning will be quick!!

Yesterday's cleaning coming soon!

Just wanted to check in and say I'm playing along, just haven't had a chance to upload photos yet. After I get back from picking Cole up - I'll do yesterdays post really quick and then move on to today's job!! I actually have put away almost all of my Halloween stuff, but have no before photo of the giant pile on the table of all my stuff. But if you read this post you got a peek of my decorations - so you know there's a lot. I've taken down and packed away all but one little display and that's just because the container for it is in the shed in the back yard and well, it's raining and there could be bugs and such out there. That's just a Jason job and he's not doing the blog-along, so I'm outta luck!!

Off to finish up some Christmas crafting - my cousin (the first great grandchild) is having a bridal tea this weekend and I'm giving her a giant collection of Christmas decorations. I've only been to one Christmas Bridal Tea ever and thought it was so fun, so as soon as I new about Laura's I decided she needed some Christmas goodies, instead of your normal Pyrex dishes and measuring cups. I'm sure someone will get those for her anyway!! So, some cute store bought ornaments mixed in with some things I'm making - wooden hand painted stuff, a canvas, some trees for the wall - and she'll be set to start decorating in their new home!!

Okay - enough already - I'm off the computer, and back to being productive!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

OH - and today's plan:

clean out this desk/computer cabinet in the den so it can be moved, or REmoved, and we can make space for the Christmas tree that's coming out of storage soon!!

Fall Clean up Blog-along!!

Okay - so, here's the deal - we have only been in our house since April - so you know, that's not that long! Not long enough that my house should be a disaster, but hey, it's kind of a small disaster!! Toys everywhere!! Halloween decorations, still not put away!! And don't even get me started on the stupid mouse that's taken up residence here. He's NOT paying rent! He's NOT cleaning up after himself, either!! He's also managing to escape trap after trap. He's getting on my nerves!!

Now, I know the toys everywhere and the Halloween decorations aren't the reason for the mouse - actually, I don't really know why he's here - I promise we aren't dirty - just cluttered! Anyway - it's time to get a few things under control. We have friends coming to stay in less that two weeks and I seriously can't even see the top of the guest bed for all the laundry. Now, it's all clean and folded, just not put away. We have to find room for the Christmas tree, too - so there's some stuff that I need to clean out, to make room for the tree!

So - I'm doing this:

Several of us on Facebook we're talking about a cleaning blog-along.
Posting a before and after picture of the space we clean each day.
YES, each day this week!!

So, I'm attempting to tackle this even though I don't have loads of time this week.
I know that I'll have little time today, Wednesday and Thursday, so on those does, I'm picking the small tasks to tackle. I'll have more time Tuesday and Friday - so the big jobs will be done then. You can play along, too! If you decide to - comment below so I can check out your blog and before/after pictures!!

Come on - you can do it!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thanks and Giving

So, there are still things floating around in my head about St. Jude and things I want to express. I'm working on it.

In the meantime, I wanted to tell you to go check out St. Jude Thanks and Giving and then check out this list of retailers that are taking part in the campaign.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Has it been a month?

Why, yes it has. I've been a slacker I guess, well, actually I've just been busy and haven't taken the time to come here and post. Work has been busy, my job actually changed a month or so ago, can't really remember how long it's been. I started out working on the sales floor, putting out stock, ringing up customers - that sort of thing. Now, I'm working in the office - doing the deposit, balance the drawers and such, price changes, HR stuff and some scheduling. So, I'm kind of back to what I used to do with McRae's back in the day. It was a nice change. I loved helping customers but I like what I do now a bit more. Cole's had some sinus stuff going on so he missed a little bit of school I while back and then had a check up and got some shots (boo)! Then we had a little Halloween party where I managed to only take one picture during the party and that was of the punch bowl. I snapped a few close to the end, but didn't get one of Cole dressed up! Bummer! (Michelle, Carol - send me your pictures!! Thanks)

Cole joined Cub Scouts, too so we've been doing that each week. We had to miss last night though since we just got back from Memphis late. Nothing major going on there - just needed to have some lab work done and he needed to be measured. We've had some changes with his growth hormones, so we just needed to check everything out (more on that later - it's time for a St. Jude post). Cole's really liking Cubs. I love that he's enjoying it. The first few meetings he wasn't crazy about - lots of things where we just learned the rules, etc - but now we're on to fun stuff and activites. He's liking it!! It's fun for mom, too though - the leader is someone I went to highschool with and there's also a kid from Cole's class, so I get to chat with his mom! It's nice to get to know people and reconnect with those you haven't seen in a while.

A little about Memphis - it was great. Cole's growing right on track now - finally. He's average and for once in life - average is just enough!! We're so glad. He's growing just like he should!! While we were there I read lots about this years Thanks and Giving campaign - lots of thoughts there that I want to express here - so that's coming soon!!

In the crafty area of my life I'm sorely lacking. Haven't scrapbooked much at all lately. Have some lovely papers just waiting to be used. Just haven't had a chance to jump into it. I did spend two Sunday night at the Ronald McDonald House doing scrapbooks with families. It was fun. Not exactly like our Memphis Ronald - but that's okay!! It was a good experience. I'm anxious to see what they do for Christmas.

We had tons of decorations up for Halloween and honestly, I'm ready for them to go away - and I'm all about bringing out the Christmas stuff soon!! I can't wait!!

For November, we've still got lots to do - we're going to an Alabama game in a few weeks - YAY, Roll Tide Roll. I'll be working a ton I'm sure - especially after Thanksgiving. And we've got to get ready for Christmas, too - Cole's list is already about 43 pages long!!

Alright - I'm out for a little while - off to get my Colester from school and then we're staging a little Halloween photo shoot since I didn't get one single picture of him just standing still in his costume. So, pictures coming soon!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Happy October

Well, I love this time of year!! First, my birthday was in September - so that's always fun! Then Halloween is just around the corner, and I love decorating for Halloween. I love when the weather starts to cool off and the humidity drops (my hair loves that part the most). I love the leaves changing! It's really just my favorite time of year! I started working on a mini album back in August called "the things we love about fall". So I took some pictures today of the new decor around the house to put in my album, but I thought I'd share them here first. I really can't seem to stop decorating. I've seen so many fun things online - cute ideas - really cute!!

My photos are uploading while I type - so for now, I'll share some links with you. Thank goodness for the starred items in my Google Reader!!

Scroll down and look at the little felt halloween guys - so cute!!

And check THIS out!! The mummy shirt is too cute and I love the table all set for the perfect Halloween party! And those orange fan thingies on the wall - I want them!!

I really want to make THIS for our little Halloween party! But I'm think not just bats - lots of cute little things hanging there - witch legs, pumkpins, and more. I just got my Spooky Alley design card for the Slice and it's got tons of cute images that would be perfect for this!!

And did you check out the Wicked Halloween Craft Party on the KI blog? I love the candle sticks that Gretchen did - and those party crackers, too! I also wish I could find a place to put those cool masks - I would so make up a bunch of them!

If only I had a place for this and these!! I'm trying to get Jason to cut some wood for me so I can make those pumpkins but by the time he has a chance, I'm thinking I'll paint them red/green and make presents instead!!

Here are some of the cutest cupcakes, ever!! The witch is hilarious!! I wonder if you can buy candy canes yet? I'm planning on making the mummy's. Check out this, too - love the spiders and eyeballs!

And THIS is so cute. I can't wait to make a Christmasy one!

Okay - now here are those photos:

My version of the monogrammed wreath and my pumpkin topiary (or whatever it should be called) - and check this out - I wish I had room to do two!

A close up of the two:

And just because:

I love the white pumpkins:

And the orange ones are fab, too - copied this idea:

These are from last year, but they have a new home this year:

And I made this a couple of years ago - it's had a sheet of Jenni Bowlin paper that matched the colors in my kitchen. Switched it out for Halloween:

And because he is so unbelievable handsome:

Got that frame for about $5 at Michaels - clearance!! And the print was free, only paid $1.99 for shipping. It's 11x17 and the perfect touch in the den where this handsome guy hangs out!

Well, I think that's enough for today!

Happy October!! Oh, I'm so excited to be in our home and a new place means surprises with every season - what colors will my leaves turn? which trees will look beautiful and which ones will just lose their leaves and let us see the beautiful sky from our deck? I can't wait!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Time to decorate

for Halloween - in my house, and on the blog!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

I saw the sign............

and it opened up my eyes .............. okay, now you'll have that song in your head, too!!

My friend, Andrea, has this cool website SIGNS

Go check it out and order a sign from her!! I love them!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I love a good deal!!

Just got back from Publix and got some fantastic bargains!
All the stuff in the picture below was just $18.40. Well, sort of - see I picked up the wrong size cereal and have to go back and swap for the right size - didn't even notice until I got home and checked my receipt. So to be accurate - this picture below cost me $30.44 which is still a great deal - but after I go back and return and swap my cereal - it'll be back to $18.40.

That's 4 bottles of laundry detergent, 6 bags of Chex Mix, 3 boxes of Cookie Crisp, 4 boxes of Reece's Puffs, and 4 boxes of Toaster Strudel, two 2 boxes of Old El Paso dinner kits, 4 tubs of cream cheese (i have some yummy recipes to use these in), 2 packs of Wisps (4 in each pack), and 2 pair of nail clippers. Major score!!

The good thing is when you save that much, it makes it okay that you don't have coupons for your kids favorite cookies and muffins. The cookies and muffins were also on sale though - so I'm excited! I got lots of other things not pictures - spent $67.72 and saved $85.16! and don't forget - I over spent on cereal, so I'll get about $12 back when I head back out. So $55 for over $150 worth of groceries.

Oh and another bonus - Publix has a bunch of things 10 for $10 - so basically $1 each. Pepperidge Farm Goldfish for $1, regular $2.19 I think. Great deal. And brownie mix for $1 - who doesn't need some brownie mix on hand? There were several other things, but that's all I got out of the dollar deals!

Now I think I'll be spending a good chunk of the day rearranging kitchen cabinets to make room for all this stuff!!

And good news - I will be doing a fun class at the Ronald McDonald House in October. I'm excited to go pick out some supplies and put together a cute little album for the moms to make. This will have a Fall/Halloween theme. I hope it's successful just because I want to give back - I know how much I got out of the time I spent scrapbooking at Target house when we were in Memphis - so I hope spending some time with the moms and sharing our story and support for each other, while making something fun, will be successful!

Okay - gotta run. I need to go get my nails done and swap some cereal!


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Just a few layouts..............

Here's a few layouts I worked on when I was in Georgia scrapbooking a few weekends ago.

This first one is of Cole at St. Jude - he named the ouchie he always gets and I just had to document it!

Cole also loves to play the guitar from Rock Band - he wants to be a Rock Star!!

Just documenting how much I love him:

This one is just okay - I'm not sure I like it - it's missing something, but I haven't figured out what yet!

That's all from me for now - just been busy working!

Friday, August 21, 2009

I'm so ready to make Christmas Crafts

So, I spent most of the day today unpacking boxes of Christmas Crafts. You know - all those glittery pipe cleaners and pom poms, little wooden thingies you can paint or cover with paper, little teeny ornaments, buttons and more! WOW - I got about a gajillion ideas for gifts and decorations! Tons of these things were really cute and I thought of some cute stuff I could do - but then I saw jingle bells and buttons .................. wait for it ................. with polka dots!! Red, Gold and Silver bells with white polka dots. Red, Gold and Silver round buttons (two sizes) with polka dots. AND stars in red, gold and silver - with polka dots. I mean, seriously - I love polka dots! They were oh so cute! I almost wish we could fast forward through the rest of August, the beginning of September (with a brief pause around the 18th of September for my b'day), then go ahead and fast forward until right before Halloween. I mean, I love decoration for Halloween, too - but DANG the Christmas stuff was so cute!!!

So anyone else out there start working on Christmas crafts when it's still really hot outside? And Christmas is really still far away? I'm I the only one?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A great week usually starts with a great weekend

This past weekend I managed to swing a trip to Villa Rica for the Sweet Memories Birthday Bash Crop. Before pulling out of town, I started to feel the feeling in the back of your throat - when it hurts to swallow a bit and then your nose is a bit runny and you just have a headache you can't get rid of! UGH! Well, Saturday was worst - I felt horrible - but weathered the storm and really enjoyed hanging out with girlfriends and scrapbooking. I did several layouts and worked on a few little mini albums (photos to come - later). The event was awesome! Lots of fun - lots of little special touches. It was great. Slept a bit better Saturday night and felt a little better Sunday. Has some fun taking pictures Sunday morning with the girls. Scrapped some more. And then we headed home!

Monday, I really still felt crappy. Not as stuffy but my cough was terrible and then my back started hurting. Again - UGH! I hate colds. Had a nice meeting Monday evening with Cole's teacher. She's super! We're really lucky! Before the meeting, got a call from Michael's Art and Crafts. I had applied a while back but there weren't any current openings. Well, now there are openings - so I had an interview the next day! YAY!! And even better, got hired on the spot! Awesome!!

So, I start tomorrow! I'm super excited! Can't wait to get to work.

but for now, I'm going to rest up. My back is better, but I'm still coughing a wee bit today!

OH tomorrow night we'll be doing the Founders Day dinner with Ronald McDonald House. They are honoring Gene Stallings! (roll tide) So, I'm sure I'll be pooped by tomorrow evening! But, that's okay - a job is a great thing! And doing anything for the Ronald is amazing! Can't wait!


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Simply Obsessed

Just wanted to celebrate Simply Obsessed's Birthday! They are having a blog hop today and I'm guessing that's how you ended up here. Well, hang out and look around and then hop on over HERE to the next stop on the blog hop!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Today is the first day of Second Grade.

I can't believe we've finally made it to second grade. There are days that I really hate that Cole is growing up so fast, but then I remember what all he's been through and I'm just thankful he's growing up and accomplishing all these little things - like going to second grade. I can't wait to pick him up and hear about his day!!

I took pictures, but haven't uploaded them yet, I'll do that later today! Got lots to do this week - taking a little trip this weekend with some friends and have to get ready for that, too!
