Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I'm such a slacker!

Facebook has stolen my blog's thunder. I feel like I have nothing to blog about because I say it all on Facebook. Darn you Facebook.

Anyway - let see if I can catch up a bit and do better in the new year.

Last post I showed my painting I was almost finished with for my cousin for Christmas. I also posted a few Disney pics. So, I haven't even gone through the other Disney pictures yet. I barely even took any Christmas pictures. Good grief, what kind of scrapbooker am I? I have just about finished the extra touches in my December Daily album, but sadly, didn't make it a priority to take pictures each day. I'm going to try to make it an album titled "25 moments from Christmas" instead of "258 days of Christmas". Not sure if I can fix the title though - I'd hate to mess up the lovely Thickers I used for my title. I did much better last year - which is a bit crazy because last year, I did my book in October and this year, I started even earlier - like August. So apparently, procrastination is the way to go. Way until later in the year and it'll work out a bit better.

So here's a Christmas recap - without photos, since I haven't had a chance to actually look at them yet!! The Tuesday before Christmas my brother came in from Chicago. We hung out with him a bit Tuesday night. Wednesday, I had to work and then we did dinner at my mom's and had Christmas with my parents and brother. Cole got a giant load of toys. His favorite - the Toy Story Pop Open Playset. He got some 3D puzzles and Legos and books and games. Fun Stuff!! My favorite of his toys was the Pirates of the Carribean camera - it's so cute. You can take pictures with Disney Characters!! So cute. I need to get the software loaded and upload the few pics we've taken on it and show Cole. So fun!! My favorite gift was the Alice in Wonderland book I got. I've been trying to work on reading the older classics - not Pride and Prejudice, but things like the Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Mary Poppins, Alice in Wonderland - the younger classics, I guess you could say. I also got a book in the House of Night series. So, as soon as I finish re-reading Eclipse (for the 16th time) I'll have to flip a coin to see what's next - the House of Night or Alice. Hmmmm............

Christmas Eve I spent the morning cooking and making stuff and wrapping presents!! We had Christmas with my mom's family that evening. It's funny - Christmas Eve used to be crazy there. The kids were all younger and the floor would be littered with so much wrapping paper, you weren't sure if there was hardwood or carpet underneath. They went thorugh everything so quickly, too - you really didn't see them open anything!! Now most of those kids are teens (or really close to being a teen) and just want to text and chat with each other instead of playing with toys!! Next Christmas will be another story. Right now, the youngest kids are 5 months, 2 years and then Cole - who is 8. Next Christmas, there will be a 9 year old (Cole), a 3 year old, a 1 year old and then four NEW BABIES!!! Don't ask me what's going around in our family - just know that I'm staying away from it. I have four cousins that are pregnant right now - and so far - three of the four are having girls. The fourth we just don't know about yet - it's too early to tell. The oldest of the great grandkids is having a girl in April. It's so hard to believe all these little kids are growing up and having kids of their own!! Makes me feel old!!

Jason's family has a bunch of girls, too - his aunt had another girl in July (that's 5 for her) and now our sister-in-law is also having a girl. Lots of pink in the future. I need to get to work on fun cute pink crafty things.

Back to Christmas - Christmas day, my parents and brother came over to see Cole open his stuff from Santa. We had a good breakfast (if I do say so myself) and he opened presents and started playing right away. My brother and Jason started playing Star Wars the Clone Wars with Light Sabers and all - it was entertaining to say the least. We had lunch at my mom's and then headed to Mobile for Christmas. We played Dirty Santa that night and had fun stealing gifts and laughing and the funny ones. I took a painted canvas of an Alabama A and a board game. We got a Rubics Cube (which Cole loves) and a Gopher - you know, one of those grabber things!! There were also tins of cookies, Sea Monkey's and Aqua Globes. Dirty Santa can be so much fun!! We enjoyed it.

We came back home Sunday and got right back into the swing of things - you know, work, laundry - the fun stuff. I'm still catching up on laundry and haven't even begun to clean up with Christmas mess. The tree will probably come down Saturday - I just don't see getting to it any earlier!! I have one more Christmas tomorrow, too - dinner with the girlfriends and another Dirty Santa. We're all bringing gifts to swap - gifts we got and didn't like, or already had - how fun is that? I'm actually taking a gift I didn't finish in time to give away, but will finish it before tomorrow - I hope!!! :D

Okay, I'm not actually accomplishing anything on my list sitting here blogging - so I'm out of here!! Off to find more distractions!!


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

It's really almost Christmas, isn't it?

Goodness - the time has really flown by. I caught myself saying to a customer today that our registers were as slow as Christmas, but stopped because Christmas is not slow this year. I mean, it's right around the corner and I'm NOT READY!!! Still much to do!! I did just finish 6 necklaces for the cousins last night and this is finished - just about:

a close up:

And the reason why I'm so far behind on Christmas is that we spend some time here:

Disney was amazing, as always. We had a great time and I think I'm just now over it - just now caught up on sleep and laundry! Shew! Vacation is a lot of work!

Well, I'm going to work on some Christmas stuff - teacher's gift MUST be completed tonight - she gets it tomorrow after all!! And then I may have to run to Walmart!!

Hope your Christmas has been Merry so far!


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Wow, it's December!

I'm really not quite ready for December to be here, but WOW, it is. I haven't accomplished all I wanted to have done by December 1st, but if I'm thinking correctly, I've probably been in the same boat most Decembers. I like to take on too much - aim high, you know!! :D

Anyway, it's December!! So, today I need to accomplish a few things - scratch a few things off my list and take a picture for my December Daily album! That's a MUST!!! So, I'm out of here - off to tackle my list. We're heading to a very Magical place in a few days and there's lots to do!!
