Monday, June 29, 2009

My organized fridge

Well, it's not that fancy but I'm hoping it'll work wonders for me - keep me really organized!!

Here's the front - the scalloped clipboard is for any coupons I find with my food - you know coupons inside boxes, peelies that I forgot but want to use next time - stuff like that! I cut out my T freehand and stuck it to the fridge and made a little flower and some round magnets to match! I found sheets of magnet at the Dollar Tree two years ago and used up the last of it for the fridge! Notice my flower I showed you yesterday - stuck on my fridge!

Here's the organized part - I have three clipboards hanging by magnets on the side. I bought those round little magnets at WalMart - they weren't the strongest, so I think I've used about 8 magnets on each clipboard - they don't slide or anything now. My favorite layout is hanging here as well as my favorite piece of Jenni Bowlin paper. My plan for that spot was to have a place to stick sticky notes. I also wanted to find one of those little plastic sticky note holder you can put on the fridge for notes and a pen - haven't found it yet though.

In the bottom of the picture - there is a stool/step ladder - I love it! I used to sit in it at my Granny's to eat dinner, or play cards at the table, or just be in her way, probably!! I love my old step stool. Cole sits in it occasionally, too! I have two aprons laying over the back.

Now here's a close up of my clipboards - the first one is school related things - the calendar, registration info, etc. The second holds schedules of things to come - right now all that's there is Cole's next schedule for St. Jude. And the bottom holds prescriptions and such - things we don't need to lose. Which reminds me, Cole needs new glasses - his prescription is about to expire!

I actually have a different plan for the clipboards once school is back in. The last two years of school, Cole has had a homework calendar. He had an assignment Monday thru Thursday and turned them all in on Friday - so I'm hoping 2nd grade will have a similar schedule so I can keep it on the second clipboard. Then I'll have the top clipboard for school related things that I need to deal with (permission slips, things to keep up with) and the second one will be all Cole's school work items. The third one will then be the family stuff - perscriptions, schedules, etc. Hopefully this will really be put to use.

Made these yummy things last Friday to take to the baby shower!

Strawberry cake balls - got the recipe from Bakerella's site! YUMMY!

And found these little goodies at Publix yesterday - I've been searching for them - they were in an odd place - like on the pasta aisle for some reason, not with the normal soft drinks - but so glad I happened to wander down that aisle!! Good grief - they were $5+ for a six pack, but I saved about $40 in coupons and in store specials, so I think it's okay!!

Now today, we're off to the library, maybe by Lenscrafters too - and to a friends! So have a fabulous Tuesday (oh did you realize that the year is half way over today??)!!

Baby Presents

Evidently, I forgot to take a picture of the clothes pin I altered to go along with the previously posted flower. Bummer! But here's a picture of the photo box - it's a little dark but you get the idea. And here's a new shot of the banner - I think I found a good spot to photograph my banners now!!

Here are a few pictures of the finished room - after the baby shower Saturday, we all pitched in to hang things up and have the room ready to go. Mom-to-be is just pooped and ready to pop!!

I can't wait to meet the new little one. Rumor has it, Mom-to-be is at the hospital now - having some tests run. Her blood pressure is up. So, Becca could make an eraly arrival - maybe even Wednesday!!

Crafting .... again

I made things last week. I already shared my layouts I worked on last week (and wow that felt good - just creating). Anyway - I have worn out my Scripts kit from June. I don't have much left at all - but I bet there's enough for me to come up with something else fun to make. But for now - you get to see what I already made - this may be my new favorite thing:

This one was made out of Scripts and I did it for my new baby cousin, Becca - her room is all red and white and cream - Raggedy Ann and Sock Monkey's - so cute! I made a banner - which I showed a few days ago and then I made a little photo box and giant clothes pin to hold pictures and they all match this cute little flower!

Just a close up.

I did this one to go in my kitchen and here's a close up:

I'll come back in a little while with pics of the photo box and clothes pin!

I was reading Virginia's blog last night and saw this post and loved the family organization system she showed. Makes me want to step mine up a bit - okay, maybe just makes me want to really use mine, which I'm not. But I'll be back later today to show it off - it's nothing as fancy as the one Virginia linked to - but if I had the space for that one, I'd do it - but I only have one kid, so I'm not sure that I would use the rest of it. So the fridge will work for me. I'll be back later to show pictures of that.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Finally - I scrapbooked

Yesterday, my friend Carol came over. The boys played and we got our scrap on! I haven't really done any layouts in months. I did a few for a DT Call but that's it. So it felt great to get pictures on paper and pretty them all up!!

So, wanna see? I did the first two with stuff from my Scripts Kit - I love that I don't really have to look past the kit to make some great layouts. I grab some tools and that's about it!!

Cole loves to Hula Hoop and told us he was a Hula Hoop Expert - so here he is in all his hula hooping glory:

I loved the PLAY tag - but I cut it in half - used Play in one spot and then stitched in "end of school party" on the other end.

See - there's the PLAY down below:

Here's another - Summer Lovin' - just couldn't think of another title. We rarely get pics of us taken - since one of us is always taking the pictures (usually me) but we had family with us at the beach and my MIL snapped a few of the two of us!

My title seemed to get lost up there in that empty space, so I found a mini album I made several months ago and traced one of the pages - I had cut it out with the AccuCut. After I traced it and outlined it several times, I noticed a sticker that matched perfectly - from the Scripts Add On kit.

And I wanted some cute flowers - after seeing Virginia's cards she did with her Scripts kit - so I cut some out and used some green painters tape (thanks Dad) and made stems. Then used my circle punch to cut the leaves, and there you have it:

I did this layout, too:

Just a few things here from Scripts - the yellow sun rays, the center label in my flower, the orange spiral stripe and the blue rickrack (ricrak - how DO you spell that?). The rest is Making Memories Just Chillin' and a small piece of Scenic Route, some Fancy Pants trim - gosh I love that stuff - and HS bling and letters (i miss those letters - wish she would make more - more colors and more sizes). The flower is my favorite part, I think - got it from here: Elle;s Studio! So cute. I want to make some larger ones - this one I used the smallest flower in her free download and then traced it again on the green paper and cut it smaller - the free download will make a giant flower - I want one!! That may be something I make today!! :)

(finally I've learned that everything doesn't have to be just perfect - my button is NOT in the middle of my flower!! two years ago, it would have been - right in the middle with the bow facing the correct direction - I'm learning, I'm learning)

And my next favorite part of this layout is the sun:

I'm always trying this look and not liking it but this one turned out the way I wanted it to - thanks Carol, for the encouraement and the title!! :) I need to scrapbook with you more often, apparently!!

Okay - Off to clean house - the Mobile Friends (as Cole calls them) may be coming up tomorrow so I've got to clean a bit and tame the toys!! And make one of those flowers! Oh and this:

Also from Elle's Studio - super cute thing for the Fourth of July!!

Later, lisa

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

a little peek

i've been working on stuff for a baby shower - jason's aunt is having another sweet baby girl. her room is all raggedy ann and vintagey. so here's a peek at the diaper cake - it's not done, but it's getting there:

didn't realize my picture was so dark. bummer! anyway - i used lots of red paper and a martha stewart border punch, then tons of crepe paper. i made flowers out of it and used it around the top layer of the cake. martha stewart pearls (which were 75 cents for a pack at walmart in the clearance) and some swirly flourishes that i cut with my slice. Oh and that yummy gingham from the Scripts Kit.

here's the banner:

i need to find a great place to hang banners to photograph them. i actually love the way this turned out. so much so that i'm thinking about making a bunch of them to put on Etsy and take custom orders for them!! anyone need one for their kid's room that i can make you and then photograph as a sample, then you can have it?? :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Crafting Time

I've been crafting a bit this week. I'm working on a really cute banner for a baby shower for the newest cousin on Jason's side of the family. And I've made a mini album, too.

Here's the beginning on my banner:

Can't show you the mini yet - it's a gift. I'll be starting the diaper cake to match the banner sometime this weekend and I'll be back to show you that later!

Have a fabulous weekend!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I feel like I've been disconnected from the world. My computer is dealing me fits. Firefox has stopped working, Internet Explorer (with Vista) has Flash issues. Now, after a Microsoft update - I can't get online at all. I have a very old computer that's super slow and I have hooked it up but again - it's really slow. Now my wonderful dad let me borrow his laptop so I could get some things done on the computer!! So I feel like I'm alive again.

You really don't notice how much you depend on your computer until it's gone. Besides Twitter, Facebook and blog reading - there's tons of things I use the computer for - balancing the checkbook, looking up our insurance coverage and finding a doctor, looking for a job, applying for jobs - just tons of things that you just can't do without a computer.

So, I'm trying to catch up a bit - I've read blogs, I've checked lots of things that I've been behind on - so I feel like I can take a breath! Now it's back to finishing the scrapbook/guest room. I have some more things to get unpacked and in that room - wish me luck.

In the meantime I'm working on another diaper cake - actually I haven't started the cake yet, but I've started the banner and I have to say it's pretty cute!! I'm really excited about finishing it. I've got to get to work on a mini for Father's Day too - so I need to get off the computer and get some stuff done!!


Monday, June 8, 2009

Well, why can't I keep up?

Why can't I blog more often? I'm not really sure!! We had a very busy week last week. A fun day with friends at the pool Tuesday, followed by a Chick-fil-a playdate Wednesday and then Carol, Hannah and me hung out Thursday working on packing some kits (you can check it out here) and the boys played while we did that. Friday, Cole and I headed to Hoover with my mom. So, all in all - last week was really busy - lots of fun had by all - and no job. I'm still putting in resumes and applications, in fact I'm leaving in about two minutes to go drop off another one. And I've been thinking a lot about this!!

Wish me luck on the job front and the 5K!

I'm about to start working on another diaper cake for Jason's aunt. She's having another girl and her nursery is all Raggedy Ann and Andy - sort of vintage-ish! I can't wait to make her diaper cake - red and blue and vintage - so much fun!

So, hopefully I'll be back with some creative stuff soon - in the meantime, you can check out this blog for some creative fun!

Monday, June 1, 2009

New Video from Matt

This is great! I'm so excited to see a new video from Matt Nathanson!
Check it out here: Falling Apart
or watch it here maybe - if this works:

How I did the signature

Okay - here's where the info came from: Shabby Blogs

The instructions were very easy - but sadly I don't have photoshop. I was able to create mine in Paint Shop Pro though! So, Michelle - if you want one, let me know and I'll make one for you and J!