Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter - a couple of days late

Okay, I'm playing catch up here! Easter was wonderful. We had a great day at my mom's - just hanging out with the family, eating too much food, doing a scavenger hunt and later giving a tour of our house and then we ended up at Church of the Highlands for a wonderful Easter service! It was really great. We also picked up Arise - the live CD of Highlands Worship music. I popped it in the CD player as soon as we got in the car after church last night!

Cole and the older cousins had a fun scavenger hunt that my mom did - Cole liked that he didn't have to hunt eggs! Silly boy! I always loved finding the eggs. I remember being ready for church, as a kid, and my brother hiding eggs for me in the den, downstairs - waiting for mom and dad to be ready! Good memories. But not for Cole - but he loved the scavenger hunt - I was surprised. It helped that there were M&M's in his prize, along with some gold coins!! But to top it off - his clues were tagged with a red tag - and you know, red is his favorite color! Grammy knew what she was doing - that's for sure.

So here's Cole on Easter morning: (excuse the bed head lol)

Getting ready for the HUNT:

The hunt is over - here's the prize!!

Tried to get a shot of Cole dressed cute for church - this is the best he would allow!!

Hope you had a wonderful holiday and remembered why we celebrate!!


Where in the world has the time gone?

I haven't blogged anything really great in a while. Just haven't had the time, I guess. First, our laptop died (and it's still in the shop) and then we did the big move and get everything else tot he new house. So - it's mostly done - we're here!! I just thought I'd give you a little tour of our new home!!

Here's our entryway - I love our front door - but in front of the front door is one of those giant iron security doors - it's on the list of things to go - it's just ugly and takes away from pretty door!

This is my bakers rack in the dinning room - I love it - we really love both pieces, the table matches it - but I just liked it decked out for Easter/Spring!

This is a small area in the living room - just two picnic baskets that I love. The one on the bottom was my Granddaddy's - his last name is written inside with a sharpie - it's cool to see his handwriting every time I open it. The two open baskets are filled with my mini albums (many of them, but not all of them) and some of Cole's artwork!

This cross is my new favorite decor item in the house - Cole's teacher (who is just fantastic, if I have already mentioned it) gave me this for subbing for her while she had surgery. She's too sweet! The quote came from Hobby Lobby but was supposed to have "FAMILY" before it - it was missing from the package though - so I made it work!

This is a sign I got at Hobby Lobby - I've always love the saying and have it in a few other places in the house!

This is in our den (the same place the above is) on top of our entertainment center. This room is quickly turning into the toy room, much to my dismay!

One more shot from the den:

This is on the wall in our room - it's missing the "REAL" because the "R" was missing when I opened the package. I tried to return it and get another one and the place I got it wasn't so nice and wouldn't return it so I wrote the company and told them what happened and they sent me a new one. So, now it's complete, but I haven't taken another picture yet so just imagine the REAL is there!!

I have tons more, but am our of time for now - I'll be back later with Easter picks and more in the HOME tour!! :)


Friday, April 3, 2009

Crocs Crocs Crocs

So, I love my Crocs. I love Cole's Crocs. I love my mom's Crocs. I resisted Crocs when they first came out because everyone else had them, but then I tried on a pair and decided that there was a very good reason everyone had them. They are so comfy!

I've done two vacations to Disney World in Crocs and my feet barely hurt at all. Seriously!!

So, check THIS out - Simple Mom - is giving away Crocs!! Go read her blog post and see how you can win. Tell her I sent you!!


Thursday, April 2, 2009

WOW - there's still a chance

Hey - so I posted about the cool event that Scrap Etc is doing - well they picked the winners and posted them this morning, but now you have a chance to buy one get one free. I mean, BOGO for the event!

Go now HERE and read about it and then call the store!!

I'm calling out all the Sistahs - you know who you are - I want to see you in Atlanta girls!!!
