Sunday, November 30, 2008

Roll Tide Roll

Wow!! Just wow!! I cannot believe the season we've had. I've never seen Jason so excited about Alabama football. And he got to go to the game yesterday - so that was awesome. In the spirit of the season (football and Christmas) we now have a little Alabama tree in the living room. I wanted something bigger, but well, this one was in the budget (and the bigger one was gone when I went back to get it). Check it out:
The tree:

Copied Jennifer McGuire's tutorial for this one (used my Slice and I think I'm going to make a few more and add a little bling or glitter glitter is always good, right?)

Some Houndstooth snowflakes - only in Alabama, of course!!

Another Slice goodie - these stars were the inside of the star above.

And the best one - a Houndstooth Santa hat!!

Well, that's all I have today. I'm really sleepy and would love to take a nap - but it's only 10:45, so probably too early for that, huh? I've got some layouts to work on for my design team stuff - so I hope to get those finished (or at least started) today. Jason's got homework too and a class meeting tonight. I'm hoping to make it to church, too - we've missed a lot lately.

Happy Last Day of November!


Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanks and Giving

At this time of year, we all start thinking about the things we're thankful for. Yesterday after dinner, Jason's Grandma wanted us to all name three things we were thankful for. We ate in different rooms, so I didn't get to hear everyone's but for the most part, we were all thankful for friends, family, good health - the normal things. Jason's aunt was thankful for her job (so was her husband lol) and thankful that they had a good check up at the doctor this week. She's pregnant!! Due in July, so not very far along at all. They are hoping for a boy this time. That is really something to be thankful for!! One cousin was thankful for her boyfriend (oh, to be 13 again) and another was thankful for friends, family and love.

When it got to be my turn, I just couldn't put it all into words. I mean, I can - I'm thankful for three and a half years of Cole being cancer free. I'm thankful for continued clear scans and good hearing tests. I'm thankful for 6 month check ups instead of three since that means our odds are better. But those are the things I'm thankful for every single day, not just once a year when we're eating like pigs. Every single day - I'm thankful for those things. Every single minute. I recently reconnected with a good friend from high school. We were catching up and I told her all about Cole. She, in turn, told me about her bout with breast cancer. It's everywhere. I probably couldn't name five people that I knew personally that had battled cancer - five years ago. And now it would take me more than five minutes to name just the kids we've known that aren't here anymore. I hate it.

I was giving Cole his shot last night (he has to have one every single night) and again, it bled and left a bruise. It's not enough that he wasn't growing for so long. It's not enough that he went through all he did. It's not enough that he still isn't as strong as a 'normal' 7 year old. It's not enough that people actually turn around in Walmart to look at him, after seeing the thin hair he has. It's not enough that he can't play sports with much success. It's not enough that he's repeating the first grade because of the difficulties he has due to radiation on his sweet head. None of that is enough - we have to stick him with a needle every single night and three out of seven times a week - it bleeds and he's bruised. I hate that. He does such a good job at it though - he can press the button that turns the pen on, he can turn the knob to set the dosage, he can sit patiently while I slowly count to ten. He waits a second to see if it's bleeding and then he's off - running around playing for a few more minutes before bed. But it's not enough.

I just wish it were easier on him. I hope one Thanksgiving when he's asked what he's thankful for he'll say something besides his toys and Buzz Lightyear - but that he'll also be thankful he's alive and well. Thankful that he's strong and growing and that he made it through such a tough battle for such a little kid. I hope he'll understand how lucky he is and not see all the things he can't do. I struggle with that - I still see the things he can't do - things he's left out of because he can't do it. I hope he'll realize how brave he was and how strong he is today. Sometimes we get so frustrated with his other behaviors (he's testing us a ton lately) that we overlook what we really have to be thankful for. As much as he drives me crazy when he pouts over having to watch tv in his room instead of on the big tv in the living room - I'm still so very thankful for every single second of his life. Even the ones where he's making me crazy. Even the ones where he's being such a boy and wiping his nose on his sleeve. Even the ones where he's pouting because we're not going to McDonald's again. Even the ones where he's watching Spongebob, again and again and again.

So overall I'm thankful for all those things - clear scans, no hearing loss, growth hormones that work. I'm so very thankful that God blessed us with a sweet boy. A boy who will have challenges all his life - but who I hope will overcome every single one of them and be the wonderful man we knew he would be the minutes he was born. Even when he's driving us nuts and we have to send him to his room - we're blessed he's here and he has a room to be sent to.

So - when you're thinking about all the things you're thankful for - be thankful for your healthy kids and all the healthy kids in your life. The kids that play in your yard, the kids that walk by your house on their way home from school, the kids that will be all over the mall this weekend getting on your nerves - be thankful they are all healthy.
And if you feel like being generous - go here and check out the St. Jude Thanks and Giving campaign. It kicked off this week and while you're shopping this net month, you'll see:

This sign is everywhere this time of year. It's in stores that are taking part in this campaign. The give a portion of their sales to St. Jude. You can click on the link above and go to their site to see what stores are participating, or you can donate, or you can buy merchandise that shows your Thanks and Giving. I know the economy stinks right now. I know that we don't have much money to give to St. Jude right now. I know most people don't right now. But, if you happen to be out Christmas shopping - and see that logo - know that you are helping. You're helping my sweet boy!!! You're helping someone else's sweet boy or girl, too.

Anyway, I didn't mean to turn this into a 'go give to St. Jude' blog post - it just seemed to be the natural course of things, at least when I'm talking about Cole and cancer. Anyway - be thankful for everything you have. Be thankful for the things you don't have (like a child battling cancer through the holidays), be thankful that you haven't had to tell anyone about St. Jude.

Thanks for reading!!


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Do you know about the Harry Potter hang over? or Mickey Mouse hang over?

Well, after reading each book, Jason and I joked about having a Harry Potter hang over. Just sad that it's over. Knowing you have to wait for a year and a half or however long it took for the next book to come out. The movies were no different - oh the waiting and waiting and anticipation. Well, it's no different when you go to Disney - you just can't wait to get there. We always want to do things we haven't done before and then always do our favorites. Then we go home and just feel all sad. Nothing's magical anymore. There are no cute characters standing around town for you to take pictures with. And there you are - HUNG OVER and sad it's all done.

So, that's where I am tonight. I've read the Twilight Saga. I went to see the movie tonight. And I would love to talk about what I thought, how I feel about it - what I liked or didn't like. BUT I don't want to spoil it for anyone. So, I guess I'll wait and see. Give it some time. All I will say is that with today's advanced computer graphics I was extremely disappointed at one point (I think Edward and Bella were in Biology lab) when there was a really close close-up of Edwards eyes - all black and thirsty - and I could totally see the ring around his eye from the contact lens used to make his eyes look dark. THAT was a bummer.

I'm sleepy and feel the need to go read something to get my mind OFF Twilight and that is something I never thought I would say.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Look at what I did:

I have wanted to go to Sips n Strokes forEVER. I still haven't gone. Now Scrap Etc. is having a cute little like Sips n Strokes thing week after next and the picture is really cute. Everyone has been telling me how easy it is and how I can do it if I try. So, I tried. I feel a wee bit bad because I did steal the idea from Sips n Strokes, but I changed mine up a teeny bit.
Oh - and Dad, if you are ready this - don't show Mom - it's for her!!

What do you think?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Days 'til Christmas countdown

My class is Saturday at 10:30 - 12:30 and it's just $15. It's super cute (if I do say so myself hee hee)!! Cole is ready to start counting down - I just keep telling him it's too early. I can't make one of these that counts up to 35 days - which is what we would need today!! I did change up a thing or two - I like the 'Days 'till' and 'Christmas' better this way - but I'll have enough paper for you to do it this way, or the way I previously posted. I hope I'll see you Saturday!!

I'll also bring my Slice if there's anything you think you want to cut out and add to it!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Days 'til Christmas

Hey there!! I am super excited to be doing a really fun class!! Some of you got to see my first 'Days 'til Christmas' countdown at the Holiday Soiree during Wrappers Delight. It was so fun to make. So, do you want to make one, too?

Well, how about joining me Saturday, November 22nd at 10:30. We'll make this super cute countdown just in time to get it displayed by December 1st - and start the countdown. This is super cute for your kids, but also fun for grown ups.

I've used American Crafts Christmas line along with the Slice.

So I hope to see you there!

When: November 22 from 10:30 to 12:30
Where: Scrap Etc. of course
How much: $15
Supplies needed: Adhesive (see note below), a paper piercer, some scissors and some scotch tape.

Adhesives - I used the Hermafix Removable Dotto runner. The numbers on our countdown are about 1 inch tall. I use the Hermafix Removable because it easily rubs off the paper if i use too much. You can also bring a Xyron if you have one - that would be perfect for this, as well. And the scotch tape is just to attach some ribbon to the back - so if you don't have any, it's ok, I'll have enough!!

If you have any questions, post them here or over on the Scrap Etc. message board. You can call the store and sign up!!


Do you need a 'script?

Do you but kits for kit clubs? Are you in a bunch of kit clubs? I was always chicken - lots of money, a commitment, and how do I know if I'll like all the stuff in it? Well, when Scrap Etc. started Scripts - I was so super excited. Every single kit has been yummy. Great standard things like patterned paper and cardstock, but then you get some out of the box stuff like ribbons, fibers and fabric. They've done some great things in those kits. Things I would have never thought to put together.

Anyway - just wanted to tell you how fabulous the kits are. Go HERE and check it out. And the best part - Scrap Etc. is having a crop just for the Scripts subscribers. It's on the 21st and FREE. Free is always good right? If you aren't a subscriber, it's not too late to sign up - you can!! And if you just want a trial run, I believe you can buy the November kit and come to the crop, too!!

In other news, I'm going to post some information in a little while about a class I'm going to teach at Scrap Etc. next Saturday. It's super cute. I mean, I love it!! I think it'll be lots of fun and hope you'll check back later for the details and then come join me on the 22nd!!

Ok, we're heading out of town this weekend, so I have lots to do and little time to do it in. And my sweet boy has not been so sweet the last few days - he is testing the waters in a big way lately!!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Kenny Chesney?????

Is it possible that he can win again and be the Entertainer of the Year for a fourth time?

Oh I hope so.

So, sit here with me while I wait to see - it'll only be another few minutes - ok, more like seconds................................................

Kenny Wins again!!

Oh what a relief. You know it's his fourth time and the only other artist to do that is Garth Brooks, I believe. (He just told Shania Twain that she 'looks really good') Ok, so I just checked and no one else, besides Garth, has done it. No one has one more than four times. AMAZING.

He's thanking everyone in the world - well, except me. Wouldn't that be nice - net time when he wins, I hope he'll thank his biggest fan!!!

wow, i'm sleepy and only made it this late for Kenny!

later, lisa

I've been tagged - again.

The lovely Virginia tagged me. She was tagged a few times and had to provide 6 weird things about herself. Well, I'm sure other people in my life could entertain you for hours with tales of weird things about me. I, however, may struggle to come up with something I haven't already told you. Let's see what I can come up with:

1) I love music - that's no secret - love to figure out the meaning of songs, what I think the lyrics really mean, what I think they may have really been talking about - not just what the words say. I can remember standing in MusicLand with Joe (remember him, Michelle?) and we were discussing The Cure - Mixed Up. We'd been playing it and trying to figure out what Picture of You really meant. We knew it wasn't just about some snapshots of some girl.

2) Since Music is the weird thing so far - let's have some more. During my dating years (way back then) I tended to pick up the current boyfriends musical taste and stick with it. Like groups I had never listened to before were suddenly my very favorite. Some examples - Metallica, Rush, The Smithereens, The Cure, Dangerous Toys (that was the only bad choice really) and then when Jason came along - he was a huge Jimmy Buffett fan and HEY - I already knew lots about Jimmy Buffett so it's like it was meant to be!!

3) More on the music - I can't sing. Can't carry a tune in a bucket!! Seriously!! I love to sing when the music is loud enough that you can't actually hear me. When it's not loud enough and I really want to sing - I whisper sing. Jason can't stand it. He makes fun of me. I'm singing along in a little whisper. He'll turn the radio down even more and say 'If you're gonna sing - just sing' :)

4) Have I told you that I can write upside down? Maybe, maybe not. I can. Only in a print though. Can't do cursive. It really isn't a talent that's needed. Although, when working on school work with Cole, I can sit across from him and write everything just fine. It started at Macaroni Grill and we were all writing on the table. Seems like the server writes their name and we were talking about how they do it upside down so you can see it. Anyway - I think Dad challenged me or something so then I sort of became obsessed with it. During my VERY boring Biology class at South - I sat through two Monday night classes and wrote the entire "Twas the Night Before Christmas" upside down. Both nights!!

5) What? The four I've already spilled don't make me weird enough?? I used to like squirrels - I mean in general - they were ok. I didn't try to run them over or anything like that. Our apartment in Mobile had squirrels in the attic and one weekend while we were visiting in B'ham the squirrel family tried to scratch their way into our bedroom. Thus began the hatred for squirrels. And I may have even accelerated when I saw one in the road. BUT now in our house - there's one little squirrel (I'm assuming it's the same one, but don't know for certain) hangs out on the deck almost every day. Picks at the same places on the deck - scratches at the same spots. I've taken it's picture twice - it's cute and I have no desire to run it over.

Okay - So I'm tagging Michelle and Carol. So if ya'll read this - you've been tagged!!

Later, Lisa

Monday, November 10, 2008

Who knew Christmas could be so much fun??

Well, I did!! I love the holidays. I have always loved Christmas - love the decorating, love the family get togethers - all of it. I love making gifts for people, too. I've been doing that for a long time!! I just love giving something from my heart!

Well, what I'm loving right now is how much fun Wrapper's Delight was. The classes were wonderful. I only got to take one, and WOW - I loved it. But I did spy on the others and the projects were so cute. The ladies taking the classes looked like they enjoyed it a ton, as well. We had a Christmas Soiree, too. That was really fun. I got to lead a Round Robin - which I've been wanting to do forever. It was fun. You take a group of scrappers and sit them at a table with a limited number of supplies. Each starts their own layout and then when the hostess tells them to switch, they swap layouts (passing them around the table) and then in the end they get their layout back with bits and pieces of the other talent at the table on their page. It was too fun. Now that I've done this once, I know what doesn't work and what works. I gave them a little too much time to start with - so we sped things up a little. I'm hoping we can do this at the store one day!! I would love it!!

We had stockings and presents and cookies and cocoa. I mean, does it get any better? NOPE.

I'm planning a class based on one project I had on display in the Soiree's gallery. I also came up with something else we can do as a little make and take for the holiday's. It's the perfect teachers gift - gift for grandparents - even for your kiddos!! So, details coming soon!!

Ok - I'm off to work on letters to Santa - we're having a fun kiddie Happy Hour tomorrow at the store.

Ho Ho Ho

Friday, November 7, 2008

Looking for me?

I'll be here:

Merry Christmas!

See ya later,


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What happened to Tidbit Tuesday?

I forgot to post my tidbits yesterday!! And I can't find a good word that starts with a W that I can attach to Wednesday that would lend itself to an interesting blog post. RATS!!

So, I guess I'll just ramble aimlessly, instead.

First - I did NOT get to vote yesterday. Total bummer. I mailed in our change of address at the same time - one for me, one for Jason. He made the list, I didn't. He didn't even get a chance to go vote and I wanted to. Crazy, huh?

Second, I went and hung out at the scrapbook store a little while. Jason likes to call it my second home. Although from time to time he asks if I'm sure it's not my FIRST home. Crazy!! Anyway, spent some time cutting out some stuff for a class this weekend at Wrapper's Delight. I'm taking Vanessa's class and cannot wait. I wanted to take it on Friday simply because I couldn't stand the thought of waiting until Saturday. Cutting the stuff out just made me want it to get here even faster. I love Christmas and as soon as November hits, I'm ready for the tree to be out, the decorations up!! I LOVE IT. Years of retail spoiled me for a while in a few ways. First - the trees are up early - like September. I used to help decorate the trees at McRae's in Mobile. That was something I always looked forward to even though we had to put about a gajillion lights on the trees first and my hands and arms would be in such bad shape by the end. So - it was a double edged sword. I loved that side of it - but being surrounded by grouchy shoppers during that season can wear on you. I worked in gift wrap for a few of those Christmas's and good grief people can be grouchy!! But I still loved making their presents look great. Anyway, since I haven't worked retail in many years, I enjoy Christmas more now - but still want my decorations up early. Every year, Jason tries to convince me that we need to wait until after Thanksgiving to put up the tree. Every year, the tree is up before Thanksgiving - thank you very much!! :)

So what fun it'll be this weekend to be surrounded by Christmas music and Christmas inspiration for two whole days!! Now, if only I could manage to get to Christmas Village tomorrow - I'd probably go into Christmas coma or something. :)

Cole is asking me everyday how many minutes it is 'til Christmas. I have to remind him that we don't count the minutes, just the days! So as of today - it's 50!

Cole started Karate again last night. He did a fabulous job!! He really enjoyed it and could do most everything right away. I know he'll struggle a little remembering the terminology because it's so different from the karate he's taken before - but I think he'll catch on pretty quickly.

I have about a million projects in my head right now and I'm hoping I can get a few of them out on paper soon and play with some of my product I've been holding on to. I can't wait to get some scrapping done this weekend, too!!

Well, I guess that's enough randomness from me today.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Weekend update!!

I love that we get to see a whole 30 minutes of Weekend Update now on Thursday nights. Funny Stuff!! I've already set the DVR to record the Election special of SNL tonight. I'm a little nervous about tomorrow!! We got a post card to tell us where Jason votes, but not me - I hope it comes tomorrow. I mailed them together, so I'm assuming BOTH of us can vote. We waited until the very last minute to mail our change of address. YIKES. I noticed lots and lots of signs today up in people's yards.

Now on to the weekend update. Jason had class Saturday and was gone all day. We didn't get to watch the game, but I kept up with it online and listened to a bit of it on the radio. We just hung out at home Saturday night and watched more football and some of our DVR'ed stuff from last week. We were talking about our plans for Sunday and decided we were going to do something fun since Jason was taking the day off from homework and football. We ended up doing this:

We took Cole to watch Disney on Ice. We've been once before - just me and Jason. He doesn't remember going, but we did. It was the Princess Disney on Ice. Anyway, this was fun - it was the Incredibles visit Disneyland. Fun stuff!! Made us really want to pack up and head to Orlando. We're going in 43 days. I can't wait. Cole still doesn't know - but he keeps talking about going. So maybe he's been paying more attention to us that I thought!!

I've got a cold - again - and it's killing me. My throat just hurts. I'm taking Dayquil and it makes me so thirsty!! I spent the day today just playing with a few things I've been working on. I can't show you one - because it's a fantastic gift (I hope) for my Secret Sister at Wrapper's Delight this weekend. I can show you this though:

We have a Countdown to Christmas calendar that I made a few years ago. It's ok, but Cole can't flip the numbers over and he loves to countdown the days. He asked me this morning how many days until Christmas and said 'Maybe we can get a calendar, Mom.' It's really too early to start a countdown so we'll have to wait until December first to use this one. But, at least he can turn it each day. I just need to find a good place to hang it where Cole can reach!! I think I need to go back and make the 1 a different color - maybe RED. It's an odd number of days so the every other one thing didn't quite work out for me. I may have to change that tomorrow. Maybe I'll just add a colored border, or some bling - something to set it apart!! The top says "days 'til" and the bottom says "Christmas". I cut all the numbers, letters and circles with the Slice. It was so easy. I can't imagine how many sets of Thickers I would have needed to have enough numbers. But with the slice, all I needed was a piece of paper. :)
Well, dinner is cooking and Jason should be home soon! Hope your night is great. Hope you vote tomorrow, too!
Later, Lisa

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Day in the Life of a Space Ranger

Yesterday was loads of fun for us. Cole was out of school and had big plans to go everywhere dressed at Buzz Lightyear. I had to run a few errands first and wanted Cole to not be Buzz in those places - so the transformation took place at the scrapbook store. And I have no pictures to document this part of the day - but the rest of Buzz's adventure's are here for you to check out!!

Buzz riding in the car - you did know space rangers wore cool shades, right?

Ready to protect the library from the Evil Emporer Zurg.

First Trick or Treat stop (and the only one here at the library).

Space Rangers like to play at the library.

Space Rangers take breaks, too - and read Charlie and Lola.

They check out their books.

They also look for Zurg, just in case he's hiding outside.

Then, Buzz climbs in the car.

And then all space rangers listen to their favorite cd in the car.

Next is the all important stop in a space ranger's day - Al's Toy Barn. Ok, not really - Toys 4 Us. Yes, my little space ranger calls it Toys 4 Us. He seems to think the toys in the store are all for him!! :)

Hard to believe - but space rangers are scared of this guy!!

Buzz in the parade. It's no Block Party Bash - but it was fun.

getting some treats. Buzz likes the M&M's!!

Buzz picking out things he wants Santa to bring.

That's about all of Buzz's day. By the end of the toy store parade Buzz was hot and ready to get out of his costume. So we slipped it back off in the car and finished our errands. We had to have a Happy Meal, buy some coat hangers and head home. So a good Halloween day was had by all. Last night we just hung out at home. He did not want to go anywhere and do the real Trick or Treating!! Maybe next year!!